I’m loving mine but no idea about the SE. you might want to ask around on this forum: https://www.z900rs.co.uk/
I don’t understand your comment. I have found SMART recovery to be free, running off of donations and volunteers. They also sell a few books at a reasonable cost. The only money I have ever spent is donating a few dollars after attending some Family & Friends meetings, and I bought the workbook for something like less than $20.
Another secular alternative is SMART recovery. They have group meetings in-person and online as well as a Family & Friends program. https://www.smartrecovery.org/
Here’s an alternate source for this presence of news: https://www.democracydocket.com/cases/georgia-congressional-redistricting-challenge/
Oh man, close! It was Ball Ground, behind the Barrel House Coffee.
We stopped by for lunch and stretch our legs for a bit on our way up to Ellijay
Not much detail in the article. Hopefully he died doing what he loved. May he rest in peace
Here's Shadow's take on it, but he doesn’t mention the title’s reference to ozone.
However I like this interpretation better from the comments section
It’s just a man digging his motorcycle and his memories tied to it even if it doesn’t get any respect from anyone else. Just seems like a universal vibe regardless where you are in the world, at least resonated with me
I feel lucky i never felt the need to block anything other than one year in middle school I had our entire Wi-Fi router shut off around 11pm for a couple of hours. That only lasted a couple of months.
If anything I’m relieved that don’t have to deal with the whole Parent Account with Child sub accounts. That whole set up is poorly implemented by Sony/PS in my experience… navigating the menus and accounts was torture over the years
Oops I forgot temporary.
I just found this tutorial and tried it and it works. I had to create two shortcuts, one for OFF and the other for ON
/// Edit ///
There is a Toggle
option in the Set Bluetooth action which allows for a single shortcut instead of two distinct On/Off
So as a registered democrat constituent, should i call my republican congressman and tell him to support MTG’s motion in the hope that it wreaks increasing havoc on the Republican Party that leads to clowns like MTG ending up ousted? Or tell him to oppose MTG because congress working across party lines is the way it is supposed to work? 🤔