
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

Came here to say I can't handle his films right now

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

He's not even a top 10%er...

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I volunteer for ours, doing deliveries. I bring my son to show him kindness, and the look on a person's face when you feed them, when they can't feed themselves. I think about the dollar value of my time as an exec doing it, also what it would cost to pay people a regular delivery driver wage.. the amount of sum total hours and financial donations that go into every bag of groceries I deliver. I despise that with all the money in govt and capitalism, we even need to volunteer this. But also, I realize how huge an operation it is, and how incredible the NGO machine functions on free human labor fuel. The amount of food they just took from the mouths of families and children... I'm sitting here in tears reading this.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

Yeah!! 10 years of bombardment, exhaustion after years of squeezing the middle class, bullshit algorithms, and a centrist media, is no excuse for confusion over what's real and what's urgent!!!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

Yeah! Fuck small businesses, conglomerates only!

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 day ago

The original inglorious bastard

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Ch ch ch ch swiper!

[–] [email protected] 16 points 2 days ago (8 children)

Asking stupid question... Isn't this kinda shit that got Kennedy killed? Fucking w the military industrial complex? Have those barons diversified enough to not care about this line of business or something? I thought this was kind of a backbone of our economy. So many jobs too.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

Have you seen that Courtney Cox show, Shining Vale?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Were the Nazi rumors about them widespread back then?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago (1 children)

I don't know. Last time I used it was maintained. Seems like a security vulnerability running something this critical out of date, no?


cross-posted from:

Hi - I'm rebuilding my homelab and want to give docker compose another try. It looks like Watchtower is years out of date now. I see two forks that look more promising per

These two:

The former seems to have more activity. What are you all using?


cross-posted from:

Hi - I'm rebuilding my homelab and want to give docker compose another try. It looks like Watchtower is years out of date now. I see two forks that look more promising per

These two:

The former seems to have more activity. What are you all using?


Hi - I'm rebuilding my homelab and want to give docker compose another try. It looks like Watchtower is years out of date now. I see two forks that look more promising per

These two:

The former seems to have more activity. What are you all using?


If so, do cell phone networks still get stressed?


tl;dr I came across this today. There is a theme that reminds me of a slowed down version of something else but I can't place it. Help!


I've used notification cleaner for years but it's dead. Anyone recommend alternatives? This has been difficult to find online


Found myself in this thread and I started thinking about the nuance.

YT, Wiki, FB etc all existed before 2010, many of our staples even before 2005.

High speed home internet; 3G and 4G have been around fair amounts of time now.

You could play Kyocera Snake on the shitter or text on a Nokia brick when pay phones were still around.

Box, iCloud, and other SaaS and/or freemium storage solutions have been around a long time. Bluehost has been an option forever.

E-commerce has been killing big box stores since before the demise of the JCPenney catalog. Amazon shut down bookstores decades ago.

Zoom, FaceTime, etc, way before the pandemic.

I grew up in the analog world. I remember needing to make plans, print things, watch shows at certain times, yada yada... But the ability to reach in my pocket and pull out an untethered supercomputer most places I'll ever be (including the fucking sky or under the earth) and to access the entire world's library of historical knowledge, arts and culture in whichever ontology I prefer accurate in real time; have food, prescriptions, etc delivered same day; most consumer goods in 24 hrs; all my shit of all types synced all the time on all devices all the time; tell my house or phone or car what to do and a robot cleans my floor or whatever other crazy shit is happening with Home Assistant; you get the point...

Unfortunately, living in the US, I find myself defining temporal chapters by presidential terms these days. I know 2016 was when social media jumped the shark and broke the social contract IRL.. 2008 was web 2.0 and we created the content, our digital lifestream, 2020 anyone with a MacBook could create chillhop for SoundCloud...

When did the web start looking like times square without ad blockers? When did our access and ability become so pervasive and encompassing? When did the dark web become more destructive than stranger danger?

When did we get here?


R5: just started checking it out. It's cool and has some advantages of others. It's hella expensive. Thoughts?


Using an alternate icon (yellow).the original icon/app persists. It appears as if there are 2 copies installed.

Known issue?


3rd (4th?) time is a charm - after hitting the wall ⅓ into Season 2 every time, I finally watched the entire series through over the last week or so.

I was so sad to say goodbye to each character and watch things end. But in a world of Netflix cancelations and whatnot, it really felt like the show did what it needed to do. In four brief seasons. I've stuck through Supernatural, Lucifer, Riverdale- lots of shows that survived ebs and flows but prob should have peaced out after the first divet. The Good Place truly wrapped up nicely - I don't know what more I could have asked other than to drag it out because it's hard to say goodbye.

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