The death of Edith Keelor.
Speaking as a non-American who is forced to deal with your shit, the morally correct thing to do is to keep that fascist asshole out of power. Hold your nose if you have to, but vote for Biden. Have some fucking perspective. You are unbelievable.
It is very stable. Just don't visit the forum for help. The dev regularly roasts people, which leads to a very toxic environment.
That would be great. The new scaled sorting is all I personally am (patiently) waiting for.
As a Canadian, you should maybe think about how bad it could get for Canada if Trump is elected.
I had a similar reaction. But I'm almost done Season 4 and it's a great show. And the theme song is stuck in my head, just like it was while binging the other shows. Odd.
What's wrong with that range? It's bigger than my bladder.
Some of us really like beer but don't want the juice.
A touchscreen laptop is no where near the fidelity you get with the Apple pencil or a Samsung s-pen.
Also, long-pressing the comment navigator FAB thingy (in comments) will scroll in the other direction.
Agreed. And I'm okay if they walk Mountcastle every at bat. Even with bases loaded.
My understanding is that 'barrier' doesn't work in Wayland. That's a showstopper for me, unfortunately.