That's the thing though, these biases against people based on their ethnicity and gender already exist, whether the people doing the hiring realize it or not. The best people may lose out on job opportunities because of these qualities. The whole point of DEI is to compensate for these biases.
You don't care about the people or industry producing them as long as you get shiny new product?
people like to share their screens with friends. generally so they can stream a game for them to watch or so people can watch stuff together
At that point why not just get a steamdeck and emulate the games? It would essentially be the same thing. I think Analogue is more interested in making high-quality modern versions of old consoles. The openfpga stuff is just kind of a bonus.
To answer your question though, I think a dual-screen system capable of playing DS games would be neat and more in line with what Analogue does, once such a thing is possible.
I thought it was funny
Still there on my mine on my Pixel 8. Well, most of the time. Sometimes it doesn't have any accompanying image.
Ah, they finally killed the frog. Maybe the one last bit of fun left in a google product. RIP
any better source than a random discord screenshot?
The Inter typeface is very versatile and has many different options and variants, including more distinguishable uppercase i and lowercase L. The article just installed the base version as an example.
This isn't unique to any company. This is systemic and pervasive through our entire culture and society. Countering it requires education and effort, not ignoring the problem and experiences of those it effects. The status quo is not a fair playing field.