
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago

The only expressly illegal crypto technologies are mixers like Tornado cash.

Also, the law doesn’t define morality. Illegality just means that it threatens the parties in power (in this case, the Fed) enough that they have made laws against it.

A list from Suckfeed of things that are illegal but arguably not immoral:

  • Ringing up two bananas instead of four to six at the grocery self-checkout. Produce is already inflated.
  • Smoking pot outdoors. I use it for pain control and to help me walk. I have to carry it out and about, or I collapse.
  • Riding your bike on the sidewalk.
  • In at least 68 different countries, it is illegal to be gay.
  • leaving your ID at home. POC have been killed for not having ID.
  • In New York state, there are laws against 'fortune tellers' that are still on the books. I remember going through my penal code book in school and asking, 'WTF?!' It's just one of those old things that state legislature doesn't have time or incentive to change and goes back culturally to the racial stigma of 'gypsy' scam artists.
  • Permits or anything that is punishable by fine just means it's legal for the rich."
  • In my country, it's illegal to feed stray animals, which are mostly very friendly. On the other hand, it's perfectly legal, and I see it hundreds of times a day, to litter everywhere you want. Trash, plastic, cigarette butts are everywhere, the air is polluted and so is the water. Anyone can take down a tree or row of trees and destroy a forest, but you can't feed stray puppies and kittens? Seriously?
  • Loitering, aka vagrancy, was criminalized as a way to arrest Black people, especially Black men.
  • Any sort of consensual crime. Drugs, prostitution, gambling, weird sex. If everyone is consenting, I think it being legal makes it more regulated and much safer.
  • what The Adjuster did last year.
  • Sex work! It's a consensual transfer of money for services. The only reason it became illegal is because it gave women independence, and the only reason it is dangerous now is because it’s illegal. Legalize it, regulate it, and make people in the industry feel safe to report crimes and abuse.
  • Assisted death. Terminally ill people should absolutely have the right to die with dignity on their own terms, instead of drawn-out, painful, oftentimes expensive, slow deaths.
  • Downloading college ebooks for free instead of spending $400 on the latest version. Usually, all they did was change the spelling of a few words and called it v87.12458281648391846 of the book, and then they required it for your college class.
  • Pirating media that isn't available for purchase in your area. You weren't going to get my money either way.
  • Loitering in a park. I've always wondered why this is illegal in some places. The point of a park is to loiter.
  • There’s a stoplight on my commute where I need to turn left. The light is a hard red/not on a timer. It’s not motion-detected. So even at 5:30 a.m., when there is zero traffic in the lanes ahead or behind me, I must wait for the timer or risk a photo-triggered ticket. The left turn lane should be a blinking yellow arrow at all times, TBH.
  • Jaywalking and crossing the street on a red light, as a pedestrian, when there are no cars around.
[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Elaborate, please.

[–] [email protected] 26 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (3 children)

To prevent others from visiting that shithole website:

I think we all know at this point what happened to Gus. To summarize, Gus Johnson was at one point like the golden boy of YouTube, as a comedian who made short form skits which often would break into tens of millions of views per video. If you weren’t there for his prime, it was insane. Him and his best friend Eddy Burback, who moved from Chicago specifically to live with him, and their podcast, were also defining periods of the commentary craze of the late 2010s.

In August/September 2021, Gus Johnson broke up with his girlfriend Abelina Sabrina, with both sides stating on twitter that it was mutual. In October 2021 however, shortly after the breakup, Sabrina made a video on her channel alleging emotional abuse from an ex boyfriend years prior who had taken advantage of a near fatal ectopic pregnancy she had underwent to manipulate her. These included tidbits such as the ex arguing with doctors and medical professionals to not provide her medical service, forcing her to get an abortion in the earlier stages even though she had wanted to keep the baby, and probably most famously and disgustingly, going to drink and get wasted at a bar with friends while Sabrina had a life threatening medical operation to remove the fetus. Right after the videos release, many speculated on the identity of the aforementioned ex-boyfriend, universally settling on Gus Johnson. While initially ignored by Sabrina, she would end up liking tweets accusing him, and eventually came out and confirmed that Gus was the boyfriend. As a result, Eddy Burback publicly distanced himself from Gus, and the podcast was cancelled. Gus would release an apology video that was widely panned, and then go into hiding for a few months, before resurfacing in his first public appearance of 2022 on the stream of the controversial PaymoneyWubby. In contrast, Gus was much more defensive, retracting his apology and sharing his side of the story. While this was initially seen as controversial, spawning from a video response from Nickisnotgreen, the whole dispute eventually died down. Now, Gus is really struggling popularity wise, with constant viewer decline, and a polarizing image that he has not escaped from.

So, what has happened since the PaymoneyWubby stream? It’s so bizarre that a figure of Gus’ size (4 million subscribers at his prime), who had such a meteoric downfall, just got forgotten about like that. In contrast, his former collaborator Eddy Burback has garnered pretty impressive popularity after leaving the podcast. I remember when he had like twenty thousand subscribers. I just have not heard about Gus in a hot minute. That was the most painful online controversy I can remember. “Boys support boys” was always a very wholesome brand he created, and it seemed like his actions had just betrayed everything he stood for.

[–] [email protected] -3 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

I posted the wrong vid. I stopped watching him because

  • he’s an out of touch old dude
  • he is an absuive Dad, forcing his kid to play an instrument that he isn’t interested in.

So far, here’s my list:

Others I found that I’d like some backstory on:

  • boogie2988
  • Jack Doherty
  • All the Paul's (Jake, Logan etc..) no backstory needed here. Fuck Jake Paul!
  • SSSniperwolf
  • masteroogway
  • YouTube kids channels
  • Cody Kos
  • Lankybox
  • Speed mcqueen
[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Fair point!

In the (IMO rare) rare case of a terrorist attack in an anarchist (maybe more like an anarcho-syndicalist) society, it would be handled locally like it was for a thousand years before organized governments were formed.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

There would be FAR less terrorism because terrorism is just the violent reaction to injustices perpetrated BY THE STATE by people that feel they’ve been wronged by the state.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

Typical out-to-brunch user. Can’t resist making fucking reprehensible statements without even an inkling of a conscience about the privileged lifestyle that allows them to gloss over the brutal murders of MILLIONS OF MUSLIMS. Can’t just admit that ALL of them were not working for anyone but the Military Industrial Complex. Can’t resist the urge to rehabilitate the public perception of actual murderers.

“dId YoU sEe MiChElLe ObAmA gIvE bUsH a CoUgH dRoP?!?!?! eVeN tHoUgH hE mUrDeReD mIlLiOnS, hE’s A rEsPeCtAbLe MaN. mIcHeLlE sHoUlD rUn FoR pReSiDeNt BeCaUsE sHe WaS mArRiEd To OnE. tHaT mAkEs HeR qUaLiFiEd BeCaUsE tHe DnC tOlD mE sO!” /s

[–] [email protected] 10 points 2 weeks ago

A show that precisely not one actual person wanted funded over shows that everyone wanted but were cancelled.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Double negative title gore detected.

Personally, I don’t never gain weight. I really should lose weight.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

So share a link. You’re here on the fediverse. We like open source software and Rust!

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