Congrats, you made me wonder what the specifics were enough to look it up.
Here's the case info for anyone else that's similarly curious:
Congrats, you made me wonder what the specifics were enough to look it up.
Here's the case info for anyone else that's similarly curious:
Great article. Thanks for sharing.
OP- Consider removing the 3 "opens new tab" statements. Those are an artifact of how you copied the article's content.
I checked tineye and it didn't find any other copies of this image. Says it was posted to imgur yesterday.
I read this as a haiku.
Have you considered contacting faith-based organizations and explaining your situation and asking what they can do to help? Churches, Sikh temples if you have any, or charitable orgs might have or locate an opportunity directly or find one from among their membership to help someone in need. You might get lucky and whatever work they find you ends up teaching you a skill.
US-specific: The ACA ( subsidizes healthcare insurance costs based on income. Especially in cases where you income is low this can be an awesome deal. Folks making $35k annually get stellar premium costs, deductibles, and out of pocket maximums. As income increases, the subsidies ramp down.
Unaffordable coverage: If your employer's plan is considered unaffordable, you might be eligible for premium tax credits through the Marketplace. The affordability test considers the cost of self-only coverage and family coverage. For example, if your share of the premium for your spouse and children is more than 8.39% of your household income in 2024, their coverage might be considered unaffordable.
I second this. Try searching youtube for "slab flattening jig".
If anyone wants to see more context here's some video of what he did: