I thought 76 was find your refund.
The actual letters in dog translates to died in English. Swedish dog=English died. English dog=Swedish hund.
So, I think it's relevant considering how the dog is killing of branches on the paper.
You're very fast 😂
The reavers when first meeting them in presidential metro. When not using unofficial patch they are scary due to how they move.
Oh lordy, first time I met one in far harbour I was terrified. I was like how did it fit inside and how could it mutate that big.
First time I was so confused. There I came out from the robotics place with power armor and they threatened me with roller pins. It was a short battle.
She and Cass. Cass for her temperament and humour. Veronica for closeup battles and for being a walking workbench.
And both of their companion quests are great.
Cass and Veronica are my favourite followers. Best background history with them.
Oh right. Also when they are shrunk at technically are in other place also. On the ordinary table with the small table 😂
Unfortunately not.
Only me that thinks that Fry should have married her?
Only option I see is refresh.