Really like the sky!
Extra scary when there’s a power outage and your screen isn’t backlit 😱
Finally, a negative feedback loop…
I prefer to bike 5 minutes to the train station rather than taking the metro one stop.
No thanks…
In the Netherlands we have quite good infrastructure for bikes, but e-bikes/scooters going >25kph really fuck up the safety.
I’m with OP, if you want to go that fast you should be in the road.
Commuting by train got me back into reading.
Timberborn is among my all time favorites
I think 10am is reasonable for first meetings.
I would also say no meetings to close to the end of lunch or ending at 5pm.
I only bike with the dog on protected lines, definitely crucial!
Come visit the Netherlands :)
Pretty chill with mostly protected bike paths and separate cycles at traffic lights.
I also found Paris quite chill due to the decent drivers more than the improving but still lacking infra.
Already bailed when they blocked account sharing…