
joined 4 years ago
[–] [email protected] 22 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

When my boy was a kitten we did showertime together for probably eight months. The day he grew up was heartbreaking for me, but I look back on the experience with fondness now.

We had a transparent inner curtain to our shower and he liked to stand on the tub edge between the two curtains while I would shower and watch the water come down. For a little he'd quickly come whenever I was opening the bathroom door, but after some time he figured out that not all bathroom visits are showers.

If he was somewhere else in the apartment when I turned the water on, he would absolutely bolt in, and scream while he was sprinting. Like he was upset I had started while he was in another room. It was really heartwarming for me, it was so cute and his enthusiasm was infectious.

After six or seven months he started growing up and began gradually treating showertime less like recreation and more like an obligation. Started occasionally arriving late and cranky from being woken by me turning on the faucet.

And then one day he didn't come. I knew I'd see that day eventually but it kind of hurt at the time. All in all though, those six months of showertime being his favorite part of the day are memories I really treasure.

[–] [email protected] 22 points 4 days ago

I had a cat named Buddy, and he would get up to a lot of mischief so we'd often refer to him as "the monster". Once you start calling your cat "Buddy monster" you'll find you're a very short distance from "monster of buddies I'm pulling your strings".

Here's Buddy after wrecking his Christmas-themed RV:

[–] [email protected] 19 points 4 days ago (3 children)

On the one hand, the idea of using linkedin as a dating website is irredeemably terrible. On the other hand, if singles who think otherwise actually follow through with it, that saves a bit of time and frustration for a lot of other people.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago

I guess? If the company behind chrome did not have a stranglehold on the web, the devopment trajectory would look nothing like what we've got now. It would be a wholly different browser with the same name. Obviously it would make no sense to say that shouldn't exist.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (3 children)

Actually, that would make a good tagline for a series of FF ads.

Or, alternatively, google could use it. Can you imagine a world without chrome?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago

Maybe it's possible that there are many people who are not on the fediverse today for reasons similar to why you weren't two years ago. Not that much has changed since then (other than, possibly, your own understanding).

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago (2 children)

When did you begin using the fediverse? I didn't stop being lazy until I joined diaspora in 2011.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago (3 children)

I mean any organization that's a risk to use my data maliciously is one that can afford buying it, so I actually prefer this to my data being equally easy to access but reddit gets paid for it.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

I feel like "Once" is the album where filler tracks started creeping into Nightwish, but "Ghost Love Score" is the Nightwish song. It's spectacular.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Man I thought Without Face was a band lost to time. I love the song "Weird Places".

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

Sandra Nasić of the Guano Apes for her appearance on Apocalyptica’s Path Vol. 2.

This song came to mind for me too. Cult is Apocalyptica's best album, but that song basically ruined my ability to enjoy it as it was made because putting it on straight-up I'm immediately disappointed by the lack of vocals in track 1.

There was another track from that album that they reworked to add a guest vocalist to, I think track 8, but that one didn't hit me as an improvement over the original.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

After my teenage years it's been very rare for me to dig into a band deeply enough to learn anything about their members, so the easiest examples are all going to be women doing clean vocals, which is the one time you can (usually) explicitly tell the difference just by listening. Some of my favorite examples are Liv Kristine's work in Theatre of Tragedy, Tarja-era Nightwish, the first Stolen Babies album, and Sirenia's first two albums along with all of Tristania's discography pre-Rubicon.

I have two examples that immediately come to mind outside clean vocals:

Samantha Escarbe is the guitarist for Virgin Black and my understanding is she essentially splits the songwriting load with Rowan London. The Requiem stuff I still need to give more listens, but I think the first two albums are absolutely spectacular music. In "Museum of Iscariot" she does one of my favorite guitar solos I've ever heard.

Angela Gossow's vocals on Arch Enemy's "Wages of Sin" album are some of the absolute best in metal. I live for that shit. I never really got into anything else Arch Enemy did though.


Glad he'll be staying with us.


He's been lights out and if he maintains that over the contract's duration then this is a steal. Goalies are generally so volitile though that it seems like a big risk to me.

He has very much outperformed Lindgren this year, but I was still hoping we would stick with Charlie given that Charlie showed last year what he is capable of, he is still playing well overall, and signing on a down year would give us a friendlier contract.


I'm an aspiring screenwriter and need some constructive criticism. Please go easy on me, I've poured my heart into these.

Only five unique ideas so far, could stay that way for a long while or maybe not. Inspiration comes when it comes.


I mean on the one hand, I could take the two minutes right now. On the other hand, I could lie awake for another half an hour thinking about this thing I could easily take care of immediately, and then later on take time out of my day to actually do it. It's an easy choice which is a better management of time, I'll be back in bed in a minute.

Alright, now that I've had a full minute back and comfy and tucked in again I've thought up another task that's even less time-consuming than the last one.


I was wondering if this was coming, given he's had a rough season while almost all of his NHL teammates are thriving. He was very good last year and won AHL playoff MVP, so I was expecting a better year out of him. He'll get there.


This might sound like a joke, and I'd actually rather just have everyone assume it's a joke than give actual details, but I've been in the hospital a few weeks and have missed a bit of hockey. Doing a bit better now, still recovering. The last game I saw was us getting shut out by Tampa near the end of October.

I watched highlights today and the caps look spectacular. I see the old man was going berserk again but got hurt recently. Also looks like McMichael is having a breakout season, the highlights make him look amazing. We got Eller back? I remember Lapierre didn't look too good early in the season, was the Eller trade sparked by a lack of faith in him playing 3C?

Anything else I've missed?


Had to check online to be 100% sure the superPAC that mailed it was Trump-linked. I've never heard of Elissa Slotkin before, but apparently she's a US rep for another district in Michigan. Our rep is Rashida Tlaib, who is Palestinian descent, so I'm guessing the PAC's thought process in designing this was they don't want to link Harris to our actual representative so just pick some other random rep nearby.

As someone who does not want Trump to be re-elected, it's at least relieving to know how easy it will be for the democrats to counter these dirty tricks. All they need to do is have their candidate make clear public statements to clarify that she doesn't want this linked to her campaign. Of course, she'll have to clearly point out which specific parts are offensive, so people don't just think she fine with antisemitism. Explaining that being anti-apartheid is not the same as being antisemitic is pretty straightforward though, so this should be no big deal.


We've had my cat Roto-Borola (pictured here) for over two years, we got him when he was maybe five months. A couple months back I discovered he really enjoys having his head massaged. He likes me to put a good bit more pressure on his head than I would expect him to be comfortable with.

He's still a very playful cat at times, and I try to engage with that as best I can but I don't always love being play-bitten. At some point a while back, if I'm petting his head and move my hand somewhere else near him, including petting his back or somewhere else on him, it sets off a timer of 15-20 seconds typically (usually around 10-15 seconds with no reaction, when he opens his mouth just a hint it means he is about five seconds away) for him to play bite me. If he's laying on top of me the timer it sets off is just for exiting the ride. I've been playing with him pretty rough by squeezing his head or giving him a little noogie, but it just hit me that this has really been him training me in how he wants to be pet.

So I'll give him a pretty rough noogie and he acts like "oh no, I'm really trying to bite you but I can't when your hand is right there", but he's definitely able to outspeed me. And I'm realizing now in retrospect, I started going for the back of his head because he left me one spot to find where he would pretend that he can't get to me. And he gradually trained me I needed to be more and more violent if I wanted to not get bitten.

So yeah, I put my entire hand around his skull and squeeze a bit tight and somehow he loves this. Realized a few months ago that this is his thing, realized today that this is something he taught me.


He had a good preseason, I'm sure he knows this could be his last chance. Rooting for him.

I'm a little disappointed Cristall will have to return to juniors, it sucks that he can't go to the AHL, but oh well.

:: Starting full system upgrade...
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (1) deepin-icon-theme-2024.06.21-1

Total Installed Size:  138.93 MiB
Net Upgrade Size:        5.96 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] Y
(1/1) checking keys in keyring                     [########################] 100%
(1/1) checking package integrity                   [########################] 100%
(1/1) loading package files                        [########################] 100%
(1/1) checking for file conflicts                  [########################] 100%
error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)
deepin-icon-theme: /usr/share/icons/bloom/icon-theme.cache exists in filesystem
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.

Running a search for the error I didn't find one for deepin-icon-theme, but the same error for other packages in arch updates show up and the other ones I saw laid the blame on improper packaging. Given that this is the one from the arch repositories and not some AUR package, I'm nowhere near confident enough in myself to jump to the conclusion that this is someone else's fault, so I'm asking here.

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