Indoctrination is a hell of a drug
I can't help but wonder if you are that one person under a new username. The one who just shoots down any attempt to answer their questions or provide support. Apologies if you aren't them. But, read. Existentialism. Or read Viktor Frankl. Or Buddhism. Or non-dualism. Find your context for the life experience.
Learn that you are creating this inner state. That's the bad radical news. I'd have more practical, concrete steps to offer. But, again, not convinced that you are actually open to change.
Lyrics, to avoid an app:
[Verse 1] Gonna put you on a forgotten street Give you a lecture about something obsolete Gonna teach you about the freedom of speech Then they're gonna come and take away the freedom of speech
Gonna write a song with your point of view Manufacture feelings that feel for you Sung by men who would flog playground juuls, preachy Preeten peacock pecking order they didn't choose [Refrain] Such is life (x4)
[Verse 2] Gonna lobby to bloat up a cash cow Feed you poison that they want to allow Then they wrap it up with a pretty bow And then hook you when you're a baby and you don't even know
Gonna give you another group to hate Build a scapegoat thеn they give it a face Nothin' to do with rеligion or race But it's corporate politics that got us into this place
[Outro] Such is life, Such is life! Such is life, So choose life So choose liiiife, choose liiiife! So choose liiiife, choose liiiife Such is life (x4)
To add to this, it's also modeled in our media.
Characters be flicking them everywhere, pitching them to the ground and decisively tamping them out with their foot, because that is what being cool and tough is about. The only time someone is depicted properly disposing of a cigarette is if there's an ash tray they smish it in, preferably next to a glass of hard liquor or a beer.
That's my sentiment. Everything is monetized and it's increasingly normalized, each successive generation knowing less and less that it could be otherwise