No problem, I hope you like it!
Maybe give Cool People Who Did Cool Stuff a try! It’s not a trans-specific podcast, although the host, Margaret Killjoy, is a trans woman. She covers the broad history of good people who fought back against the bad stuff in the world. For example, this week’s episodes were about lesbian mutual aid during the AIDS crisis, and this episode from a while back is about “Great Trancestors of History”. It’s one of my favorite shows, I highly recommend it :)
Jasmine Crockett too
Do you own a sewing tape measure/ruler?
If you don’t, they’re pretty cheap (and worth it, IMO), but you can achieve the same thing with some string and a normal tape measure.
Your waist measurement will be roughly the narrowest part of your torso (kind of near your belly button), and your hip measurement will be the widest part of your torso (roughly at the top of your hip bones). Here’s an article that might be helpful!
Is there a size guide where you can see what measurements correspond to which sizes? That’s how I judged the size to pick mine - I went by the closest waist size/measurement, and it fits pretty well. There may be better methods out there though that I’m just not aware of yet
It does! Skirts are so fun ☺️
He’s not supposed to be able to. We’ll see if the administration follows his orders or the existing law, or if they’ll listen to court orders. My hopes are, unfortunately, not high.
I learned something today, thank you!
Ah, gotcha! What about being covered in polish makes them more brittle and discolored?
Not yet! I’m giving my nails a break from polish for a few days to breathe (apparently that’s good for keeping them healthy?). Soon, though!
We had a family or two of mice living under our kitchen a few months back. We ended up killing 13 total. It was horrible. I hate killing things, even if there’s no better way to deal with them as pests. It just broke my heart every time.
Now their hole is stuffed with steel wool and sealed with foam though, so I think we should be safe from their return.
I work in commercial and institutional building energy efficiency. I notice myself paying way more attention to the infrastructure that normally fades into the background. Stuff like “I wonder how big the transformer for this building is?” or “Ooh, that’s a hefty cooling tower, I wonder how much chilled water they use?”