Ok, now I need to see the graph that compates countries' golf courses vs solar fields as % of area.
Green Energy
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unseen benefits of golf : keeps a lot of pricks busy and out of the way at weekends.
think carefully before returning golfers to the general population.
The United States tops the list, with more than 16,000 golf courses, followed by the United Kingdom (around 3,100) and Japan (around 2,700). Canada, Australia, Germany, South Korea, France, China and Sweden round out the top 10 countries.
Now compare that with livable surface area.
How meaningful is the golf vs renewables comparison? Wind and solar require different ammounts of land, especially factoring in offshore wind? Also, Sweden has one of the cleanest energy make ups, but a comparitively high amount of golf courses, so like, I dunno?
This has already been posted here I think