She just randomly buys shit because she has no concerns about money and then has no idea what to do with it. “Omgggg please give me tipssssss on what to do with this!” Figure it out yourself, you had to buy it.
“Our fave diner” When she has gone on about Angels being their fave, never this place
All she cares about is her looks, it’s legit the most important thing on earth to her. She’s the most shallow person I’ve ever seen. It’s all me, my hair, my face, my body, my outfit. It all centres around how she looks and taking selfies to showcase her looks. What a sad existence to care about nothing else and need so much praise in regards to it. How do people enjoy her as a person?
Soon they’ll be in a 75% off bin when people still don’t buy them for 40% off
The fat pouring out the sides, is that meant to entice me to get out my credit card and buy this? Lol
I really don’t understand how she has the platform she does. She legit does nothing remarkable or out of the ordinary. Her cutesy dumb blonde schtick is BORING and not a likable trait at all.
Seriously, she seems to feel zero shame about ANYTHING. So many things she does I’d so embarrassed about and she just thinks it’s all so funny and cute.
Like to not even make your bed? I don’t get it.
Seriously. Idk why someone who sits around all day doing nothing thinks that being messy is such a flex? And why does being messy make you hot? lol. Any reason to achieve her biggest goal in life; being hot.
She’s a nut job tbh.
She’s hates herself and her new hair so bad.
It really does
It’s just the way your phone received it 🙄
She’ll say “sooooo many people gave me ideas!”. She just wants someone to come over for free and do something with it for her.
Who knew NB would be her voice of reason and steered her away from that Goose at HS. I’m sure she’ll still end up buying it.