I had an issue recently where my usb drive was "disconnecting" which triggered unraid to give read errors and then panicking. I had checked though and it wasn't being regularly read or written to but still caused my whole server to crash. Changing usb drive has since fixed it, for now 😄
I use Unraid and I'm loving it. Super stable, easy to manage, set up dockers, let's me pool my hard drives and set up parity. Highly recommend. Only thing that I've had a hard time with is finding a stable flash drive - you'd be surprised how many start to fail when used 24/7
The public health system here in Canada is very broken and the politicians have been pushing to move towards a more privatized system like the US. It's only a question of time before we get the same problems. Here in quebec my wife has had to get a private doctor because she simply couldn't see a doctor in the public system anymore.
Ironically, from what I can see, the younger generation understands even less about computers. It's like everything is so simple to use (smartphones, consoles, tablet) that they no longer need to understand the technology behind it.
D'un côté tu as un point, les employés ne sont surement pas payés équitablement dans plusieurs cas.
Par contre, je vois le point de l'article plutôt du côté de l'opinion publique d'une job de construction. C'est vrai que souvent, on ne considère pas assez la construction comme un emploi respectable. Les enfants surtout de notre génération se font dire que soit tu vas a l'université et trouve une "vraie" job ou bien tu prends la route facile et tu vas en construction.
Ce que je trouve dommage cest que l'article ne mentionne pas un point que je trouve important. Souvent les métiers comme maçon, contracteur, charpentier, etc. sont remplis de gens malhonnêtes qui n'ont pas de respect pour leur propre travail. Je parle d'expérience, c'est très difficile de trouver quelqu'un qui ne coupe pas les coins ronds et te surcharge pour un travail mal fait.
Cela dit, peut-être que le second est le résultat et le premier la cause. Mais c'est comme un cercle vicieux. Dans tous les cas, je pense que ce genre de travail est nécessaire et qu'un bon maçon, briqueleur, ou autre qui fait un travail de qualité est très apprécié de tout le monde.
Is that even possible? How do you know who downvotes you?
You make a good point. I guess abrasive is different from toxic
Makes more sense if you reverse it: Toxic Redditors tend to be politically engaged. It's not the politics that makes them toxic it's because they are toxic that they engage with politics so much. Most people who are informed with politics don't necessarily engage. Of course there are people who do who aren't toxic but the loudest voices usually are abrasive people.
I think it's the same as any other platform. Right now the content in small communities is limited, but over time once there is a sizable amount of content that newcomers can get referred from or go through, Lemmy as a whole will get more traction. Since the Reddit exodus happened I definitely feel like Lemmy has grown a lot and I'm here for the long run.
I really recommend nativewind to solve pretty much every gripe I have with styling react native, if you still want to give it a chance. Expo for instant cross platform updates by just publishing updated JavaScript (no more publishing updatdes in app store and play store!) Also, yup and Formik for form validation and react query for API calls. With these minimal libraries react native becomes a beast.
Not sure, I guess exposing the cookie to air let's the milk seep in deeper.
I've heard smaller, older drives are actually more reliable in the long run. USB 2.0 especially because of the lower speed causes less heat