comment is replied to it should automatically be marked as read
this already happens on my end so maybe it's a bug. you should check to see if there is a ticket open
comment is replied to it should automatically be marked as read
this already happens on my end so maybe it's a bug. you should check to see if there is a ticket open
reasonable people are willing to learn. you are not expected to be up to date on every single new term that appears. asking what something means, as you did above, is perfectly fine.
by "online spaces" i was referring to forums, message boards, subreddits
type of language was slurs. reclaimed slurs specifically - slurs no one uses for themselves were banned outright.
Never “I am an internet troll and I am leaving lemmy because of these words are banned”
someone literally made a fork of lemmy without the filter so this has absolutely happened.
“I am hurt by people using those words and want them banned”
i am confident this would occur if the filter did not exist.
I don’t think it’s the most effective way to change people’s behaviour or anything.
it's not the most effective way to change bigots. it is, however, an effective way of changing people with predjudices of which they are unaware. for example, if someone used a certain slur as normal speech and was forced to replace it in practice (while writing) they are being forced to think about alternatives and if confronted multiple times may eliminate the slur from their vocabulary entirely.
for those who would refuse to just find alternate vocabulary... well, let's just say this site is better for everyone when those people go elsewhere.
never in the form of somebody saying
this is not true. i've moderated online spaces and plenty of people send messages asking for certain language to be disallowed. and even if it were the case that no one spoke up, a lot of times people just straight up leave online spaces when they are uncomfortable. im sure i could find hundreds of instances on reddit alone
those who can't do, teach
(ps. i think the idiom is bs. being able to teach is a gift and i'm sure you're way better at the game than you think :sparkling heart:)
this is not the hill to die on. it is not that hard to use other words. and even if there were zero other reasons, keeping fascists away is enough.
as a marginalised person you should know that a slur you reclaim may be extremely offensive to someone else in the same grouping. take your example: a lot of people have reclaimed it but there are others still who have been hurt by that slur and are very sensitive to hearing it. this is true for many slurs.
if someone you were close to irl was like "hey, that word makes me uncomfortable" you would stop using it around them. because it would be disrespectful and hurtful for you to continue to do so. sure, people on the internet are strangers, but does that mean you potentially subject marginalized people to harm just because you don't know them?
yeah mastodons are dope. too bad they went extinct 10,000+ years ago. it would have been really cool to see them and mammoths
short subscriber targets
hmm.. it's almost like people don't want to buy games they already own just so they can play on stadia
now the dude who has 7000 hours in the game can finally talk to real people again and still play skyrim
this game will only be worth it if you can immediately slaughter nazeem
they were being sarcastic (not about the articles but the "it's gonna die" part). sidenote - if you look up "mastodon dying" most of the articles are about actual mastodons
free TLD
whoa whoa whoa. is that why .ml was used? i always assumed it was because of the immortal science
seconding liking manual. it's way better than automatically marking as read, imo. because then you can come back to it later.