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  1. Be civil and respectful
  2. Don't be a nazi
  3. Respect other opinions (not nazis though); argue about the point and not the person

founded 5 years ago

A Critical Theory Workshop lecture and Q&A on fascisms & liberalisms—contemporary but also historical—through a Marxist lens. Wikipedia: Gabriel Rockhill


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On the left in the picture "Vice-President" of the MC Großefehn, on the right Reinhard Heydrich, SS-Obergruppenführer, on the far right the "Sergeant at Arms" of the MC


Real-time reports without NATO filter. Authors avoid untranslatable idioms for the most part. Nice antidote to MSM ginning up support for more war.


Although i didnt look at data on "leftist" anti terror groups etc. There seems to be alot of far right radical groups worldwide that are organizing and deploying very quickly, efficiently and in large groups...Why does it seem like they are growing and organizing so efficiently? Is it because theyre generally protected by militant police states and act with impunity to some degree? Are they better at the internet? Is it because they are united in hatred, and leftish groups are coming from many different communities of thought? What is making them (the right radicals) so effective in organizing and building propaganda campaigns etc...?


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Some reflections on the anti-fascist transformation struggle in the manifest systemic crisis.


in fascist italy, opponents of capital and the state lit up police cars used by train cops. from the communicae (italian, english):

Si è scelto di attaccare con il fuoco la polizia ferroviaria, misera appendice della polizia di stato, addetta all’infame compito della salvaguardia della sicurezza in ambito ferroviario. Il loro ruolo di guardiani dei cosiddetti confini di stato ha rappresentato un motivo in più per fargli visita proprio sotto casa loro. Infatti il costante monitoraggio che la polfer agisce su “presunte” persone senza documenti rappresenta un serio ostacolo per chi vuole muoversi liberamente.

[The choice was made to attack with fire the railway police, a miserable appendage of the state police, assigned to the infamous task of safeguarding security in the railroad sphere. Their role as guardians of the so-called state borders was all the more reason to pay them a visit right on their doorstep. In fact, the constant monitoring that the polfer acts on “alleged” undocumented persons is a serious obstacle for those who want to move freely.]


Ancient wisdom still needs to be repeated, apparently.


just accidentally looked at wolfballs 🤮

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I mean we could be critical of some lyrics, i'm not saying otherwise. But claiming socialism is about supporting war efforts from one of the biggest empires on earth run by an ex-secret-service operative... that's a major shift in direction!


Dear Lemmy, as you may well be aware, racial hierarchies and colonial empires are doing good in these early 2020s. In particular, in the days of the war in Ukraine, it's important to point out the fascist tendencies at play.

Fascism and racial/cultural hierarchies are on the rise on every continent, from Turkey to Brasil, to China, to France, to India... Fuck all Nations! Destroy all borders, and long live autonomous Communes!

On the Ukraine side of things, there's a bunch of neo-nazis in the army, as well as more traditional nationalists/fascists. It's not exactly a secret, and the former president was very close to these circles:

Photo montage with ukrainian neo-nazis

On the Russian side of things, there's also a bunch of neo-nazis in the army as well as traditional nationalists/fascists. It's not exactly a secret either:

Russian military officer with a nazi eagle

Both governments have long fought against popular movements and anarchist/antifascist networks. Both countries have neo-nazi/fascist militias parading down the streets and beating/killing random people. Just like France or USA have them too.

Don't trust me? Check out the wikipedia page on neo-nazism. Follow their sources and make yourself an opinion. It's very instructive, although very incomplete. I definitely recommend to check out the Racism in Ukraine and Racism in Russia pages, too.

Please remember that when you try to paint one side of a conflict as the good anti-nazi hero. Nazis are fucking everywhere. Fascists and nazis have been running the show in much of the world even after WWII ended. Nazi collaborators were responsible for France's war against the algerian people, and their grandchildren (spiritual or biological) are responsible for today's new repression, wars and genocides.

We need to dismantle nazism and fascism at its root: the nation State and cultural supremacy. Yes, you should be proud of your local culture and land. No, that does not justify diminishing other cultures/lands.

All we exploited/struggling people have to stand in solidarity with other people struggling for freedom and equality across the planet. No border divides us in the international socialist/anarchist movement. We will fight against all Empires for autonomous communities worldwide!

PS: If you need more detailed resources on neo-nazi/neo-fascist/nationalist/traditionalist on the rise in a specific country/region, feel free to ask. There are chances i have some good articles/documentaries, and if not i've got ideas about who to ask.