Somewhat old CPUs are 8 years old+ now? Windows 11 is crap, but I don’t think the hardware requirements are the reason.
Totally agree with most of what you said. Trust me, I’m ready for a new Civ game. Just don’t feel like getting gouged especially for a series that routinely goes on deep sales.
I would’ve bought it day 1 assuming reviews come back okay, but I refuse to ever spend $70 on a base game. I’ll wait for a sale if that’s what they’re charging.
There’s no Clash of Clans style micro transactions if that’s what you’re concerned about. There’s not pay to win. The in-app purchases are just for more content. The Anthology bundle should include everything from what I can tell.
This is how I become radicalized.
Isn’t Snoop Dog going to be there too?
Not really. I haven’t used Google Search in close to a decade.
If you weren’t a software engineer, you probably weren’t getting it to work for anything.
I don’t think Nintendo will ever do it. Goes against their most basic philosophy.
Keep your cat inside and you won’t have this problem!
How many 8 year old computers still function halfway decently? Most of those people are probably due for an upgrade whether they know it or not.
Even if we go with this popular narrative, no one is actually going to immediately run to throw out their working Win10 PC when Microsoft cuts off updates. They’ll just continue to use it insecurely. Just like millions of people did and still do with Win7.
This is the issue with using a proprietary operating system in general. Eventually they’ll cut you off arbitrarily because there’s a profit motive to do so. Relying on them to keep your system updated and secured indefinitely is a naive prospect to begin with.