Same. My wife had a large discussion at her work about what stores they are moving to. So its happening without an organized effort. But I won't shop there in Feburary.
Just recently though. They used to be support of equity, inclusion and queer rights before it became super popular. I think I read they supported TC Pride for 15 years before this year. So they are exactly Walmart on the Rainbow Washing bandwagon.
I am planning on using Costco as my Target replacement. We will have to go a few more stores now but should be worth it.
I agree. I am disappointed since they were suppose to be Amazon replacement. But time to stop buying from them. A progressive boycott will cost a lot more than a conservative one.
There are a lot of good suggestions here and great food suggestions. Hotdogs, Italian beef sandwiches and deep dish are totally good ones. I would also suggest some fried chicken. Fried chicken is a total southern American food but thanks to the Great Migration the cuisine is common in Chicago. Anywhere with good reviews online that isn't in the rich white areas of the city will do.
I get why its difficult to understand at both because the systems in place force a scarcity mindset where everything is "either or" and its never "both". Once you start thinking in an abundance mindset and see that the restrictions are artificial a whole world of differences appear. Once the veil is lifted for aspect everything comes clearer. You can see this in why the Patriarchy fights all of the movements because they know to they are the same behind the scenes. Its obvious once you start studying the history of feminism, queer rights and civil rights that the same people had similar ideas and were inspired by similar ideas and methods. But it takes some time to look through what you are told is a "natural system". So natural that it needs constant propaganda to support it
Same with eggs. All his fault!!!
It's all Trumps fault.
What a great narrative to start
I agree. No talking about whole subsets of populations.
This is definitely needed.
I would like to point on that these men are purposely trying to many people as possible to play their game since they know they can win. So recruiting men to think and act like them is their own point. Its helpful to note that all these "successful" people are all benefiting from the system that exists today that we are not. They need us more than we need them
I do think there can be more done to help Men within feminist spheres. I think one of the hard parts from a woman's perspective is "Not all Men" men taking over debates in female circles and "Man-o-sphere" bros taking over any man and man discussion. Its good to have communities to discuss these things
Same. Costco is always packed and not as convenient to get to and way less fun to shop at.
We have been trying to do smaller, local and independent places as well but you still need the basics from somewhere