Natalie is believed to be around 25 years old as of 2024. She celebrates her birthday on February 24 every year.
Every year! Wow, fancy having a birthday every year, what a lavish lifestyle she lives.
Natalie is believed to be around 25 years old as of 2024. She celebrates her birthday on February 24 every year.
Every year! Wow, fancy having a birthday every year, what a lavish lifestyle she lives.
Bad Enoch herself, the one that can do nothing right.
She tweeted a photo of herself at the address of a conservative party voter, with his address clearly in the background, which is very much against electoral rules. 2 seconds in MS paint could have spared her that embarrassment.
He's a well-known smug idiot tech bro, and invests in open AI so you can pretty much ignore everything he says.
The US is always in competition with someone else to try and prove how great they are. It's hard for everyone else to get upset about it at this point, whether the competition is internal or external it really doesn't matter. It's just capitalism. It was always going to get pushed to the very limit of what it's capable of, and it was always going to threaten people's jobs. This doesn't change anything.
If anything this is a positive move because at least when the AI replaces us normal people, we will actually be able to make use of it rather than it just being the sole domain of the mega corporations.
I've definitely seen them in American airlines at least in the business class. That was about 2014 ish so I'd be surprised if it hasn't become anything other than more commonplace.
When I bought my house it took the old owner ages to reroute all of her mail to whatever her new address was. At one point sje had a credit card sent to her and it came to my house along with the PIN number.
If I'd been so inclined I could have withdrawn all the money from her account.
Meanwhile when I moved in I spent the first 2 days basically doing nothing other than making sure all of my mail was coming to my new address.
People are just really bad at thinking
How many slovenias are there?
I remember flying into the US before 9/11 and it wasn't like you could just walk around with a bomb. They really don't achieve anything that wasn't already being done.
I get sort of why security theater happens but what I don't understand is why they seem pathologically incapable of giving coherent instructions or in fact holding on to things that they've just taken off you. "Oh you have an expensive camera that has been purposely engineered to be easy to hold" *proceeds to immediately drops it
I suppose it adds a spin on "thanks Obama"
European politics is like a mirror at this point. A UK politician basically said virtually exactly the same thing, "I don't make mistakes", a few days ago, and then proceeded to make an absolute tit of themselves 24 hours later.
That's not what juxtaposition means. It doesn't mean thing A is caused by thing B, it just means that thing A and thing B appearing next to each other produce an interesting association.
Humans became the dominant species on the planet because we learned how to throw rocks. That was our big innovation. Our intelligence is an entirely incidental byproduct of learning how to throw rocks.
In fact we are way more intelligent is these efficient, so these people are simply more correctly synced up to the actual intelligence that is necessary to survive.