Oh shit that's actually really useful, thank you!
I do alt text on my image posts, especially OC content as I find it's a curb cutting effect. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curb_cut_effect
I'm not the only person in a rural area who has internet access, and sometimes the alt text is enough to convey the joke/image than the image itself.
Plus I find it a fun test of my vocabulary to use the words I need to explain the joke/image. Sometimes I don't know the right words and I learn a new one.
Not when you consider right now the new chair of the DNC says they need to court the "good billionaires"
Always odd when my broke ass gets the article but no one else does, sorry about that. Here's a copy paste as I'm on mobile for the time being, alont with a direct link to the Veto:
To paraphrase Mel Brooks, it’s good to be the governor.
More than 17 years after San Francisco approved ranked-choice voting over the objections of then-Supervisor Gavin Newsom, California’s first-year governor got a chance for some payback, vetoing a bill that would have allowed more cities, counties and school districts across the state to switch to the voting system.
The bill, SB212 by state Sen. Ben Allen, D-Santa Monica, was overwhelmingly approved by both the state Senate and the Assembly. An analysis of the bill found no opposition.
"The cure being proposed is far worse than the disease,” Newsom said as he joined a ballot argument against Proposition A in 2002, which brought ranked-choice elections to San Francisco. “We do not believe that the Board (of Supervisors) should be experimenting with San Franciscans’ hard-fought right to vote. Primaries and runoff elections have served our nation well for most of its history.”
Sixteen years after San Francisco’s first ranked-choice election, the system is hardly an unknown in California. Oakland, Berkeley and San Leandro have used it since 2010.
But all those are charter cities, which can make their own election rules, unlike general law cities, counties and school districts, which follow a set of state regulations.
The bill that Newsom vetoed would have given “local jurisdictions access to solutions that charter cities are already using in California,” Allen, its author, said in a statement. It wouldn’t have imposed ranked choice, but simply provided “communities with more options.”
That wasn’t good enough for Newsom, who said, “The state would benefit from learning more from charter cities who use ranked choice voting before broadly expanding the system.”
But would more evidence change the governor’s mind?
During a campaign bus trip to San Jose last year, a reporter asked Newsom if he planned to take San Francisco’s ranked-choice experience statewide.
Newsom just rolled his eyes.
Here's my take on it:
- I don't care about AI being used on public figures, if you won't want people to use you, don't be in public, or ruin the government. No one has made AI featuring me.
- This is no different than a political cartoon, the only difference is no one made it directly by hand.
- Bluesky doesn't have to host it, but I also would want it applied equally. If this was perma-removed, all AI or all political shit would be. I don't like it, but selective moderating is what got us Trump in the first place with Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit.
- I don't like queerphobic shit being used to call out Trump and Musk. Use their actual actions and words, not "haha they gay". It's just wild how certain kinds of informal bigtry are okay when you use them on people who are evil. Like the people who constantly insult Trump's weight because he's evil. Maybe he's just evil and happens to be fat.
- And let's not pretend Jack Dorsey is somehow a saint when he only removed Trump from twitter after Jan 6. Nothing before despite how horrid Trump was. I credit Jack Dorsey to enabling Trump, and it's why I refuse to join "Twitter 2 made by the guy who enabled Twitter to be the shit place it was".
Yeah I hate Musk and Trump for lots of things. I don't think using "haha they might be kissing each other! Musk sucks Trumps dick!" is somehow effective criticism of actual fascists in office.
Maybe we can criticize and protest and organize without using shit rooted in queerphobia. Might as well just say "Well Trump probably cross dresses, that shows him!"
COVID will stay here because we can't kill a virus like this without a major world-wide vaccine like we did with Smallpox and Measles.
We still have the bubonic plague. It only impacts 20 people a year, but it's still a disease, centuries after the black death. We still haven hundreds of thousands of people die of Tuberculosis every year, namely in countries that are under Neo-colonalism.
COVID cannot be beaten unless we hyperfocus on it. And we probably never will. Governments both "better" and evil ignored it and started not documenting/publicly showing the infection rates because it looked bad for re-election/government action.
Europe didn't beat COVID, because it's not up to one country or a continent to beat it, it would have to be a major world focus with the WHO.
Anyone saying otherwise is a fool who wants to ignore public health problems because it makes them money or thinks they'll be immune to health problems that doesn't care who you are, just your species.
For Optional, anytime a Democrat is office.
Was Guantanamo open for extrajudicial torture under Dubya, Obama, Trump, Biden, and Trump? Yes or no?
And California had Newsom block it: https://www.sfchronicle.com/politics/article/Gavin-Newsom-vetoes-bill-to-allow-ranked-choice-14535193.php
I don't think it's Republicans, it's just the most popular party of the state it's in.
"No you can't bring up that NATO had actual Nazis with blood on their hands as leaders! Especially ones that tried to make a new Waffen-SS in the 50s! That's unfair!"
How girl get pregnant??