Like any term, highly dependent on context. The porn category / hentai connotation is pretty strong and I would feel really icky being called it out of the blue. But some friends of mine, mostly trans women, throw it around amongst ourselves and it can be amusing too. There is also the rare context, with a LOT of existing trust, where I do like the sexualized nature and view it as affirming. It's not 100 percent appropriate or inappropriate in any context, but if you're not sure probably don't. Especially if you're cis, pursuing someone, or on a public forum. It's never a word ya need to use for someone.
"I love dogs! I've always loved dogs!" has to be one of the funniest movie lines I've heard. but for my money it was probably the bees choosing their space queen because they "respect royalty"
do actually recommend getting some friends and drinks to see this one, we laughed our asses off at space-twilight and had a good time
more complex yes, but more hands in the family unit and structure between the other two can be a really nice perk too. when conflict happens, you have someone else you love who knows your partner and relationship who can bridge the gap and give perspective.
not OP, but I'm in two minds about it. I don't really care to step in on caitlyn's behalf, she can kick rocks for all I care. and I don't think the intent of the post was hateful, but whenever a trans person does something bad and newsworthy, deadnames start to come out and even if it's directed at someone I actively despise it still sucks to read. revoking someone's chosen name out of personal disgust is just something we deal with irl a lot. it's a similar kind of ick as when a female politician does something reprehensible and the discourse gets flooded by a bunch of people crudely commenting on her appearance.
eta: with a very minor change this same exact point could be made without deadnaming her, so to me it's uncomfortable and unnecessary.
only tangentially related, but I have observed some protest more to injections than other forms of medication due to what I can only conclude is the squick factor. it comes up more in conversations with cis folks about HRT, like people feeling that taking oral estradiol is OK but being a lot more resistant to injections. they're functionally the same thing but needles are more associated with scarier clinical interventions or drugs and that's what it ends up being compared to. just speculating but I wouldn't be surprised if the same "needle = artificial/dangerous" association is made among the antivax crowd.
astrology nft or son daughter?
I have two sets of beliefs here. There's what I rationally believe based on what I know, and there's the story I'll be telling myself for comfort if I know the end is soon (and I think benefits me in day to day life too)
The experience of death and if anything comes after is inherently kind of unknowable and if there was a truth to know I don't think human minds could comprehend it. Even if the answer is nothing, I can't comprehend experiencing nothing. When consciousness lapses we only have what we experience before and after to contrast it to. So I have to live life with the understanding that I will die and I can't know what that will be like until it happens.
That being said, we really don't know anything about how consciousness is connected to our physical forms, and we don't know that experience ends after death, either. Especially when you consider time may not be linear in the way we perceive it. The closest thing I have to a belief would be some form of reincarnation, where consciousness would resume in another life in another time. Maybe every life is the same consciousness reborn an uncountable number of times. I can't say I believe this per se, more that it's just as possible as any other theory, and it'd be a comfortable delusion to pass on with. it helps me feel closer to others too.
I guess my main point is go play Outer Wilds (and its DLC) if you haven't gotten to it yet. It helped me grapple with a lot of this and even if I'm still scared of the end, I no longer find it overwhelmingly distressing.
idk this gave me the mental image of someone whacking it and muttering "jake jake jake jake jake" in rhythm to themselves through the whole thing
definitely helps to bow out instead of talking down to a beginner. "it seems you're having an issue with X, I would recommend reading up on Y and Z because [how they relate to your problem]" is helpful, a very natural stopping point, is useful to people who search and find the thread in the future.
probably the only thing that'll bring me back to professional game dev. especially cool to see after how brutal of a year it's been for the industry. hope this works out for them!!
definitely seconding this - I used it the most when I was using Unreal Engine at work and was struggling to use their very incomplete artist/designer-focused documentation. I'd give it a problem I was having, it'd spit out some symbol that seems related, I'd search it in source to find out what it actually does and how to use it. Sometimes I'd get a hilariously convenient hallucinated answer like "oh yeah just call SolveMyProblem()!" but most of the time it'd give me a good place to start looking. it wouldn't be necessary if UE had proper internal documentation, but I'm sure Epic would just get GPT to write it anyway.