You're right in that Trump wanted the war to drag out to prevent a win by Biden. Some suspect that he actively worked against peace similar to what Reagan did to Carter
joined 2 years ago
I got your Donnie Darko reference.
Reminds me of modern Christians
I'm not far enough along in the game to know what I'm looking at. I assume congratulations are in order for......?
The first one was good. Then everything took a turn for the stupid.
Every two years we get to pick new ones
Seed it Mark you asshole!
Sounds like a Soros funded crisis actor....
Words are just wind. Deeds not words
Build your own with a raspberrypi and kodi.
Back in the day of AOL people had to pick what chat room they were going to use and then switch if it sucked. I think people that want to be here will make their way here over time.
I wonder what ever happened to Absolut1709...