
joined 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 1 month ago

I am trying Beacondb. Position shows as recommended in microg but on their About page, they mention "Positon is meant as a temporary offering. It was created exclusively out of necessity and once it is no longer needed as further alternatives to Mozilla Location Service are developed, we will shut down after a grace period. We currently do not expect to continue our operations beyond the year 2025. We’ll be happily making suggestions for alternatives once they are available."

So beacondb for me seems like the better way forward, it might take a little longer to get everything. You can help contribute cell tower and WiFi locations using neostumbler if that's of interest to anyone. The instructions for that are on beacondb's main page linked above.

[–] 7 points 5 months ago

The Birdcage. Every time it ends, I want to restart it.