If you're taking this stance then you must also take the stance that a baby with Down Syndrome would not survive on it's own in a pre-modern, natural selectionist era. Keeping it alive, nurturing and caring for it until you die, and then having them cared for through an institution until they die is extremely unnatural. Why would you bring someone into this life if they're doomed to suffer? That seems awful to me. I'm sure we'll just have to agree to disagree, but I can't see the logic in it.
I think it's extremely good for that subset of people that need it.
Just went through my purchases, and here are some of my favorite. Mostly RPG/MMORPG but with a few others in there:
DYSMANTLE, Hyper Light Drifter, Stardew Valley, Dead Cells, Chrono Trigger, Northgard, Getting Over It, Sid Meier's Civilization VI, Titan Quest HD, League of Legends Wild Rift, Star Traders: Frontiers
What nationalized industries does Britain still have?
He resigned but will remain PM until his successor is found.
Disgusting response. Shame on you, bud.
Correct on both counts.
In every modern economic system, there is a share of individuals in the labor force who are in between employment. What that share is depends entirely on the institutions of the systems those people are in, and so there isn't one golden rule figure to spit out.
Too accurate though.
I don't think there could possibly be a logical reason to be against gaming on an specific OS other that they are just against gaming personally.
Good article, but I was more intrigued by the mention of Windows 10 China Government Edition (https://www.theregister.com/2017/05/23/redmond_puts_wall_around_windows_10_for_chinese_government_addition/) Quick little read.
Why is this even a question. Of course not.