I use Tusky and am satisfied, maybe there are better apps idk
Yes, maybe use it with a pseudonym account, with several accounts or only when on holidays (on hikes for example, its like geocaching!).
Who you will vote for (lesser evil or the one who represents you) depends entirely on the voting system used.
In Switzerland we have sensors in the streets at most crossings. And behind it I assume, is a determinate algorithm whoch decides who has green for how long. This mainly is done to avoid the backing up of one crossing into another.
That sounds like obsidian, i assume both use markdown. Have you ever tested exporting/importing from one to the other?
Teena gender wahnsinn!
- StreetComplete It makes editing OSM addictive and competitive!
Street Complete is amazing! Perfect for people who find going on a walk too boring, like me
Dont you need to set the dns adress to the pi-hole dns on every device? It was a few years ago but I remember that I had to set my dns to the pi-hole, which acted as a dns server. Or am I mistaken?
I understand that "Regierung" (government) = executive branch "Parlament" (parliament, in the US congress+senate) = legislative branch
"Staat" (state) is an imprecise word as it can mean different things https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Staat https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/State https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_(polity) (see Definition)
No, as there are clearly many non lgbtq subs banned
Leider schon overhyped und durch bevor der Lemmyvision oder der Sommer gestartet hat