Miracast is basically just wireless HDMI
Please please please use punctuation.
I know it is not the point of the article, but the parking garage is in Utrecht, not in Amsterdam
The Netherlands has plenty of normal rail, but actually hardly any high speed. Same problems...
ESA is not an internet provider, and also not a surveillance company? Or at least, not that I know of.
Me too, Alain, me too
F1TV. They are really quite a good team, I always enjoy putting the pre-weekend show on in the background.
The micro USB standard was also an EU thing, just voluntary, and not just for Apple.
Yes, but under treath of lawmakers mandating a single standard. And the EU has now forced a single standard anyway on smartphones, tablets, etc.
Although I agree that there are quite a few examples of a "naturally emerging" single standards without lawmaker intervention, but this is not really one of them...
Ik bedoel, het is interessant om te zien, maar de afweging zal elke verkiezing en bij elke coalitiepartner anders zijn. Door je stemgedrag puur te bepalen op basis van stemgedrag in de 2e kamer negeer je gewoon een redelijk fundamenteel onderdeel van de Nederlandse politiek.
No (or very limited) editing in Okular...