What if I told you that the 3-4 corporations that control our food supply increased prices to punish voters for not voting for a Republican in 2020? It's been in the playbook for well over 30 years. Some musicians have even written songs with lyrics that discuss this technique.
Not the same book
That's why you report other fascists as being spies, or imaginary people like it says.
An ice cream sandwich would be substantially less expensive, and you’d look a lot cooler riding that than a moped.
Imagine; all of this to prevent trans folks from using the women’s restroom… but now we can all use the women’s restroom by way of Executive Order. What a time to be alive!
Ranidaphobic; but going with Frog-Man was a too on the nose rip off of Bat-Man (and it’s taken anyway).
An entire town decided that they’d have a child act as the monitor for a known threat; he makes two mistakes and then they stop believing him as he does the job the town put him there to do. At no point does anyone decide, “hey, maybe we should put two kids up there… just in case.”
Although I personally did begin educating myself and training with a rifle about 2 years ago; it’s not the correct tool for the job at this time.
Right now is a time to come together and organize. Earlier today on a different thread I posted up the .pdf of the memo from OPM that directed federal agencies to send out that fascist email that went out yesterday/ the day before, and within it, there’s a copy of the standard format email template that’s going to be used to fire a bunch of federal employees within the next couple of days.
I moved from FL to Colorado to organize around more people like myself; I am fighting right now but it’s not with a rifle.
Download this. Save It. Spread it around.
It's actually just corporate greed. The "inflation" is the excuse.