Fantastic to have a new team to root for (since my crappy team is out!). I'll paint my damn face if they're in the SB.
Definitely felt some sympathy. Even though that catch in freezing temps would have tied the game, it would not have guaranteed a win. And that's what he'll be judged for, unfortunately.
Daniels to the top! Love rooting for the underdog, and it would be amazing for them to take it all the way in his rookie season.
I finally ditched the early access to play Elden Ring for the first time haha. Realized around the Act III ending that it may not be for me due to the reliance on trading. Feels like I can't earn my gear or get excited from the drops. To each their own, though.
Fun ending to watch!
Great! It evens out a little with space travel sections, but when it's up and running it's very fast.
I actually didn't know about that! This was the first book of his I've read. Now I'm curious to experience just how bad Eragon was...
To Sleep In A Sea Of Stars - one of the most action-packed books I've read, even with a few lengthy "hibernation" space travel sections. Felt like an entire trilogy happening in a single book. Seems prime for a movie treatment, but would also be next to impossible to do in a single movie without completely butchering.
Death to spammers.
Same boat - just ordered an AIO directly from them and see the "we're building your pc" emails. Hoping there's not shenanigans with this.
"I had no view of the end zone or QB!"
- NFL referee
Laughed at seeing someone post what I've been thinking. It's in the realm of "bubble gut" and "wobble noggin" for me.