I've used the Logitech F710. Can recommend it, good stuff!
/dev/disk/by-id/xxx works for me. Never made a mistake.
These may be depressive symptoms. It may be a good idea to find someone close to you to talk to, and keep them up-to-date about the situation. Make sure it's someone you trust and can open up to. It may also help to seek professional help if you feel it is getting worse or if you experience physical symptoms as well. We all have a need for genuine human connection, and talking to someone can help. It may make it easier for you to get back in touch with your more positive emotions, to 'snap' back into that positive or happier state of mind where things make sense like they usually do. Hope this helps. Much love from the Netherlands. ❤️
It seems i2pd is a healthy project, judging by the frequency of updates to the docker image as well as the github releases going back 10 years.
If you want a solution that works on every Linux distribution, you can install Docker and run i2pd (a high-performance C++ variant of I2P) as a container. The Docker image is: purplei2p/i2pd Or..., even easier, you can run i2pd via flatpak (also works on every distro). See here: https://i2pd.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user-guide/install/ Hope this helps 🙂
Note that this file hasn't been updated in years and it's not meant as a "stop every exploit" solution. It helps, though.
I routinely skip arstechnica articles. Too much sensationalism (for example the notorious ZFS article). It also collects way too much data about its visitors.
Advertising should be illegal. A good case can be made for this. A short documentary: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=McsqJnRF_XQ
Pinchflat looks good indeed! Self-contained, no dependencies, unlike Tube Archivist which depends on Elastic which has a shitty licensing model (not in the spirit of OSI open source).
Verify the SHA-256 or SHA-512 hash after downloading. Most Linux distros publish such hashes.
If you say it quickly enough it may sound plausible to some but this is not how battery technology works, as explained by @[email protected]
Apparently it is an incorrect quotation. See: https://www.gnu.org/gnu/incorrect-quotation.en.html