the names of the albums are in the post caption, my bad for not including them earlier
done! completely forgot about listing them, mb
The bands are Kaatayra and Vauruvã. my bad, i was tired when i made this and didn't even think about including the bands
Honestly crazy how they pretend this is what true democracy looks like and manage to get away with it
Saving this thread for future use. Love the suggestions
Well said, no person can make a genocide and create an ideology alone. Were Netanyahu not PM another reactionary would be promoting genocide in Palestine. It's not a single-person problem, it's a deeply-rooted problem in the Israeli government and society.
Right-wing humor is just fear-mongering and prejudice. Left-wing humor is actually funny
Efrim (and all the other band members) from Godspeed You! Black Emperor. they're very based in general and extremely supporting of trans people (photo from one of their shows)! also GY!BE is a great band and you should all listen to them
GOD the old Nether makes me nostalgic :(
thing is, pigeons actually contribute to the environment
dead internet theory is becoming more and more real
Here before the libs try to "own" you in the comments