First the stupid 250W max power output rule making them horrible everywhere with hills, now also additional steps to keep the bikes expensive. Great regulation thanks
That's a parking violation
Sugar, with no coffee. Provided it's quality sugar.
Similarly, a decent plan executed well, is better than the perfect plan executed too late.
I do have a smoke alarm and a carbon monoxide alarm
I don't worry about that, no
My hygrometer right now reads 45%RH
There is noticeable condensation on the window some mornings. But I suspect cooking to be the larger culprit.
Do you take precautions on co2 poisoning?
I do not, but I should
For cleaning/washing dishes/etc I use it as is.
For washing myself, cooking and drinking, I filter it. First through a fine cloth, then through a commercial, activated carbon based, filter.
I use rainwater for everything. From drinking to washing.
Of course. But I'd rather keep the lid on, as it keeps debris such as leaves, branches, etc out.
That's why I chose ethanol over propane and butane