The post in the screen shot is dated February 14, 2025 though?
I get the joke, and certainly not all self-help books are good, but also people are unique and at different places in their lives. With just a little introspection one can probably tell which book would be better for them. Maybe they say yes too much and would benefit from learning how and when to say no; or they say no to everything and would benefit from learning to embrace new experiences.
Or, you know, pick one up and thumb through a few pages.
Hey bud it sounds like our experiences may have quite a bit of overlap. I think the #1 thing that helps here is learning to have and respect healthy boundaries. Internal and external boundaries allow you to have more fulfilling relationships and feel more fulfilled yourself. These are things that a lot of people kind of implicitly learn from their families, but we weren't so lucky. If you have the option and can find a good therapist, they can help you with this. Otherwise, there are a lot of good books about boundaries that you can probably get from your local library or Amazon.
This is the study cited by an article on the subject:
This was the article I found about it: