If it drips with the shower head off, the problem is the spigot or some part of the valve that controls water flow. The shower head doesn’t in most cases control water flow. This could be a simple fix or not, but depending on the build of your shower faucet and how readily accessible it is will highly affect this.
Arch. I had some tinkering with other distros in the past but wanted to configure pretty much everything. Running it with Cinnamon. I love pacman and AUR and have been able to not break it so far after a year of being installed which is a new record for me 😂
For those interested but not wanting to read the article.
Honestly I don’t know much about these things but have been around electrical engineers! I looked up a few things I will admit 🙂
Transformers don’t deal much with resistance though…reluctance I was referring to magnetic reluctance which is the magnetic analog…more applicable to the transformer in this case. Thanks for the interesting exchange 🙃
It’s just a phase. They will get over their reluctance.
Heh! I always think of that when talking about my printer or sewing machine. 😂
Front loaders cause less wear on clothing and use less water, which is why I originally chose front loading. It has been a while since I have been in the market, but the favorite feature on my old LG is the ease of getting to just a rinse and spin. Turn the dial to turn on the machine, hit the small rinse+spin button, then start!
Farmhouse is all about texture. What is your favorite color? Get a muted version of it. For instance if your favorite color is blue, try a color like needlepoint navy from Sherwin Williams. Or if it is red, try rosedust or toile red.
Since you have entirely neutral woodwork, floor, ceiling, and furniture any color is going to stand out…even if muted.
Recommended more than color: texture. Plaster techniques, shiplap (overdone a bit thanks to Chip and Joanna), cedar boards, wallpaper, etc. will add more to your farmhouse desires. Farmhouses are rustic so having the perfect trim, carpet, etc could handle something to contrast it.
Just some suggestions! Make sure to post once you decide on a change :)
Camper? Ice cream truck? Mobile dog wash mobile? Lots of things I can think of. I just wouldn’t want to deal with the maintenance lol.