I'm an atheist, and it's mostly a joke. The image becomes pareidolia for me, and I'm sure I'm not alone. Just because we have a scientific name for everything doesn't mean we can't enjoy comedic wordplay and poetic imagery.
Don't forget the chaos.
If that ain’t the face of god, idk what is. So fucking creepy and beautiful.
Galadriel, I love your beautiful red dress!
The best alternative is Real-Debrid 😉
If you use Android/AndroidTV, you can install SmartTubeNext. Gets rid of ads, you can disable Shorts from appearing altogether, SponsorBlock, etc.
Obligatory ‘Libby is awesome if you have a library card’ comment.
Can you elaborate on this routine? I’ve heard of folks using clean rags that go into a bin. Or air-drying…
Waze on CarPlay… not even once.
Dead by Daylight. I love it as much as I hate it.
So Real-Debrid is a service that caches https-link-versions of popular torrents. Instead of torrenting, you select the movie or tv show you would like to watch and RD provides you with a list of cached streams (which you can sort by video quality, audio quality, etc). You click play, and it plays. It's gaining a lot of traction, compared to torrenting. There are some really incredible apps for Android TV's, FireTV's, Chromecast devices, etc.