Boost / firefox beta on android - works for me. Could be internet speed or adblock/noscript settings blocking something. Could also just be time of day and or servers overloaded
Straitjacket now im going to stop proofreading my posts and just let autocorrect do is thing. I'll prob do it for a day or two and see what happens
Companies in the late 1800s to early/mid 1900s would build towns and housing around the mines and pay workers in "credit" only redeemable at the company store for necessary goods, food, etc. Due to the high prices and single company monopoly over all aspects of life there, people would go into debt and be essentially locked in with fences like prisoners and forced to work off the debt.
It is called an electret. Same thing that makes electret microphones and N95 face masks work
That is not something the individual has the option to decide.
I think modern steamos is based on a different distro then it was then. Also proton is good enough now to justify switching for a lot of people
I wonder how similar opencola is
Takes a long time and risks creating voids that offgas or pop during reflow. Currently there are options for conductive copper filled epoxies. This appears to use a combination of copper slugs / disks and chemical deposition to save time and avoid voids in the larger central area.
While in theory true, not exactly. Particularly because a new deck starts out sorted and humans are not perfect shufflers and instead use something like a riffle / bridge shuffle, its actually fairly likely that two decks have been shuffled exactly the same at some point.
To be fair, the evenrealities ones are much closer to something that could be mainstream for AR than what apple made or the google glass. The apple vision pro is big, bulky, expensive and proprietary. The google glass was expensive, had little use, proprietaryness, and looked goofy, plus was only one eye. This solved the issue of bulk and looking out of place. However it hasnt solved being proprietary or costing a lot. I can only hope that future glasses fix these two points, even if they dont come from evenrealities