Sites are much more contained now. Is much more like a profile per site.
Container tabs are still a thing in FF. This is based on that work, if I remember correctly.
😂 I didn’t notice the last time they had a nation wide outage either.
Shout out to my ex who started on #2 recently, as people keep telling me.
Maybe they got therapy and will be a better person this time. Maybe #2 will be the person they need. Whatever. Peace.✌🏽
While at the sametime being a gross person.
Login and password set/reset forms being out of sync is a classic. 😆
I haven’t seen that one in a while luckily.
The core stuff is getting better. Calendar, in particular.
AI/crypto is still dumb.
Or PHP runs in its own fastcgi like process under a different account.
Dell Latitudes and Precisions support Linux pretty well.
The abstract for OP’s PHD thesis.
Cleveland does? Which sport?
They should also just pick one name for the teams, so people could reuse their schwag.
Everything in Cleveland is the Browns.
Yep. It’s happening in my state. Californians move to red states to escape the “blue tyranny”. Outside of one purple area they’re basically democrats. 😆