Because anything that might make voting easier or faster is bad news for this government. What backwards province Sask is.
So now that Alberta cancelled their plans can Moe please cancel ours?
What a huge waste of money and resources.
We have carbon capture on one of our coal plants here. Never works! Total waste of money.
At one point this spring/summer there was construction on every major north/south road. Winnipeg, Broad, Albert and Lewvan. There was no way to go from North Regina to South without going through a major construction zone.
Proton is my fav non Google email.
If you use CloudFlare they also offer domain registration and the prices are very reasonable. But they don't offer all extensions. For the ones they don't cover I use namecheap like many other have mentioned.
I wonder why they chose city Hall to setup the camp and not the legislature? Is this not more of a problem with prov funding than a city issue?
To little to late. I left Telus because of this stupid money grab and will never go back to them.
Thanks for the offer but no thanks.
Regarding this has anyone heard about a rally at the Legislature on June 30 to stand against discrimination towards queer youth in the school system? Just trying to get more info about it and it seems related.
If this government decides to do anything it will 100% be in favour of the employer and not the servers. But odds are this government will do nothing to regulate tips because the lack of rules now already allows employers to screw the employees.