This is the most reasonable take I've seen so far. Problem is that we may play our way out of picking one of the "sure fire" prospects. At that point do we build the lines and pick up a QB in the 2nd or 3rd?
joined 1 year ago
Not only that but he's an old school raider signing. Madden and Flores thrived as coaches by giving the bad guys their last chance and they went to war for those guys. We got the same kinda coach now and I hope this kid does the same.
Yes, it surprises me that someone could be that dense. On a very basic level as humans, we need to adapt to survive. This rings true for our social and professional lives as well. However, this guy did the exact same thing that jeopardized his livelihood the first time. It's hard to feel bad for someone who is that dense/stupid. Don't feel bad for Mark either cause he should know you can't fix stupid.
I agree. Build an absolute juggernaut on D build a wall in front of the QB. That's how dynasties are built