God yes, the graphic design of the early 20th century political movements was so much better though. The three arrows is my favorite by far. Perfect strong symbolism of meaning that still works today Works perfectly without knowing the language or the location, down with monarchs, down with fascists, down with tankies. And perfectly designed with the intent to be used to deface swastikas.
Lol I meant the struggle between trans people and allies vs people who want to exterminate trans people shouldn't be made out to be a Marxist vs Capitalist struggle, because there's a lot fewer allies there and there are plenty of trans people who actually are fairly down with at least some amount of capitalism. I'm all for allies showing their allyship in any direction, but don't make trans rights seem like an issue that is synonymous with more radical movements because that is how you reduce the number of allies you're going to find.
Ie. we need to band together and save fundamental human rights and democracy first, we can hash out our differences later.
For the sake of optics, I want no confusion that for a random person who doesn't think they know any trans people, thinking trans people should be left alone and safe doesn't mean people will assume they are "radical Marxists"
So this is the modern antifa flag used here, it is the red socialist flag overlayed by the black anarchist flag, it is directly based on and referencing this flag Which was the flag of the militant wing of the German Communist party.
I suppose you could say in the original post without the color it becomes more generalist in meaning but I suspect it was just for visual design and not to signal anything more anarchist and less socialist.
Regardless, trans rights should not be synonymous with antifa even if we are allies. The oligarchs are trying very hard to say that trans people are all "radical Marxists" let's not make it easy for them. We are people just like them, and it isn't Marxists vs capitalists, it is "we the people" vs "the ruling class of super rich" who want to control our lives and take our freedoms before giving up their domination and it always has been.
Tldr, that flag is antifas, antifa is much easier to villainize than "the trans population". Antifa is a political direct action group which I support and many do, but many don't, either because antifa has generally been anti-capitalist and some people really like capitalism (including many trans people) or simply because they just associate antifa with trashing downtowns and rioting and it's easy to be against those things. It's an easy target. Don't make trans people an easier target by lumping together trans rights and antifa as being just the same people.
FSR is definitely generally not as good as DLSS but it seems to always depend more on each individual games implementation of them. I don't think I've done a fair comparison of testing a cutting edge newer game built with both in mind using a cutting edge implementation of them both.
(Also of course if I'm testing FSR I'm doing it on an NVIDIA card which while totally functional isn't really the intended use)
On your first point, the F4 Phantom (aka "the triumph of thrust over aerodynamics") would like a word.
They were legitimately just filled with vodka too. They found a bottle of 100 proof vodka in his car so charitably it could at least be half water instead of more than half water. 50 ml of mostly water wrapped in cloth soaked with hand sanitizer... That is pretty generous to call that a Molotov cocktail. Gonna be more of a cutting hazard on glass than anything.
We do not speak of it!
So to answer what I assume is going to be the most common question here, this is a circuit diagram, but every neuron is like its own little programmable integrated circuit with a small amount of internal memory and those aren't mapped here. So this is an excellent model to explore how neurons connect to each other and get insight into cognition and the function of the brain but it is far from something that can simply be simulated on a computer.
Some of those are giving great contact with the Paige.
No, it's not. This is only true if every arrangement of matter is equally likely to come into being randomly. The multiverse is not an infinite non repeating randomized collection. Every possibility is not necessarily present and every possibility is certainly not equally likely. Life emerging evolutionarily through relatively very simple processes in areas where the right amount of usable energy exists and the right amount of certain elements exist in the right forms is relatively very likely and possible. A random assortment of cold stellar gasses or just pure energy self assembling through quantum bullshit into a false consciousness with complex logic and memories and the ability to experiment and test its reality in logical ways is pie in the sky nonsense in likeliness. Airplanes appearing out of nothing and people falling through the Earth because "the atoms just happened to arrange themselves just right" are neat things to argue are technically not impossible in our current predictive mathematical models of the universe. They are not things we have any real evidence are possible and real phenomena on a macro scale.
Y'know, I've been thinking it's more than that lately. Yes, all that is true, but I think the younger generations who grew up being terminally connected to everything, always having to have a phone on them, always needing to be able to be reached by people, all their business on social media etc... I think we've developed an unspoken respect that when we contact people we let them respond on their own terms. If you text someone you are telling them, hey, I need something but, you can read this when it's convenient, and you can respond when and in the method that's convenient to you. When you call someone you are saying, I need something and I need you to deal with it right now over immediate voice chat. Yes, we can say I'm busy therefore I'll let it go to voicemail, but in this day and age of respectful texting being the norm, we often assume a call out of the blue from a known number IS something important that requires immediate attention.