What a coincidence, I was just at a Megalopolis watch party last night haha. There were like two dozen of us hatewatching it. True kino.
Damn, this thread is the most "no one hates Doctor Who more than Doctor Who fans" type beat I've seen in ages. God forbid our favourite television show get another season.
God yeah, what a frustrating sentiment to see. Very common among people who won't give the fediverse any modicum of good faith engagement. "This is different from what people are used to and is therefore bad" instead of understanding that maybe there's a reason it's built that way.
I always like to say the fruits of FOSS labour are the common heritage of mankind. It belongs to all of us as a public good, created and maintained by selfless workers. (Nevermind the fact that most FOSS projects are based out of Europe anyways).
My shortlist is probably WipEout Pulse (I love how that entire series feels like a game made out of electronic music, the same way Doom is made out of metal), WipEout 2048 (for the same reason, but I played it even more), Forza Motorsport 2 (cuz it had a huge influence on my taste at a very young age), and then maybe Gran Turismo 5?
Being able to run the editor on VR headsets while doing development is a crazy gamechanger for those platforms. If you pair a keyboard and mouse it really does turn it into a real computing platform that lets you develop new apps on device.
I really haven't understood the reactions I've seen to the game. To me it's a really tight, interwoven, streamlined action-RPG that checks so many boxes for me that other games haven't tried to touch for years. 9/10 from me personally. It's been wild seeing the incredibly lukewarm reaction everywhere else.
I'm in love with it, it feels like it was made just for me. Like a combo of Skyrim and Fable II. Not everyone feels the same though.
I'm jealous, that sounds like a very nice unit. Unfortunately it's hard for me to trust used portable machines like that one if I can't verify they work beforehand. I'm sure it sounds much better than the newer units though.
I did this with a Pi Zero once. It's a fun project if you have the aptitude for it.
An all-in-one modern solution for that: https://www.wearerewind.com/
(The Fiio CP13 is better, but it doesn't have recording functionality)
Got excited thinking they had finally fixed the rendering bug that causes the UI to slow to a crawl on desktop GPUs on Linux, but no.