Visiting was never the problem... going back home was.
joined 2 years ago
TIL: About Dyson Sphere. A hypothetical megastructure we would put around a star to absorb the energy being sent in space
slightly (or absolutely) unrelated story, but I remember we built cross tracks in the forest for ourselves and our crappy bikes (I'm talking early-mid 80s on the other side of the Iron Courtain; the best bike I had was a rusty Csepel BMX, then my father's Sputnik race bike). once we decided fuck it why don't we do the same in our own street (a mud/gravel street at that time), and took shovels and stuff and destroyed the street. when the first adult residents got home, they were very pissed for some reason and commandeered us to restore the street. I remember the feeling of betrayal / injustice to this day! :-D
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Ukraine's weapon industry will kick asses of everyone else once they can start delivering to anybody other than their own military.