I didn't expect the limit to kick in as well, but there we go ... :)
I agree that we do mostly agree (whelp) and I think there is indeed not much to say but just to clarify our points to enhance mutual understanding. I think we have pretty much reached what some people call "agree to disagree" although I do not like this saying...
For the record, I don't feel misrepresented at all, and thoroughly enjoy your responses!
This is the part that still seems strange to me. If these episodes are so frequent and blatant there must be plenty of testimonials, [...]
I cannot speak for those who wrote the letter, but I fear that there's indeed not much written record since most of the allegations I heard of (before, and outside of the letter) were with misdemeanor outside of electronic conversations in conferences. Although you're right that such things should've been tried (Idk if they did, but if they did, they should've brought this up). However, as in many cases, the usual minorities are too tired (and also afraid) to speak up and don't have the energy to fight for their cause. Meaning, their support group (friends, family) do the work which is in many ways unfortunate but also means that there will hardly be proper interviews or similar. It's difficult enough to do such an investigation when there are actual crimes. Also, I think, this would've increased and emphasized the "guilty" part even more, while the original intention was/should've been to make the FSF and RMS question their own deeds.
I totally agree that this misfired though.
Part of the issue is probably the writers of the open letter not really being sure themselves whether they want to prove RMS guilty or ask for introspection, and even subconsciously looking for "justice" when that's actually not productive going forward. After all, the human being as a whole loves to jump on the justice/revenge/guilt band wagon far too easily. And even if criticism is well-founded, writing up this criticism is no fail-guard against unnecessary allegations of guilt.
Had the FSF listened to the letter, removed RMS and completelly changed the entire board, it would not be a total surprise to me if the same motivation that pushed for the anti-anti-RMS letter ended up giving birth to a new alternative movement, more welcome to RMS and the directors from the previous board. Maybe a new foundation would have been created, in a similar way as how the Open Source Initiative differentiated itself from the FSF. Creating more division in the movement and taking a bite of the FSF cake.
Maybe many in the OSI are secretly happy about all this drama, I wouldn’t be surprised if they got at least a small bump in supporters. After all they exist as a more pragmatic alternative to Stallman’s FSF. It’s also interesting that 4 out of the 16 people who appear as authors of the open letter are directors or former directors of the OSI.
Honestly, you voiced my secret biggest fear there. I'm not a fan of the OSI at all, which makes this whole situation so tragic to me. In fact, maybe the failure of the anti-RMS letter was for the best in that sense, as that way the "creation of the alternative FSF" is initiated anti-RMS side, although I'm not yet sure or convinced by the "GNU Assembly" either :D
I agree it would be good to see a new flow of progressive change. But the sad thing is that there has not really been any loud voice inside or outside the FSF that introduced any new strain of philosophy as groundbreaking as the initial movement was in the 90s. The thing is that we aren’t talking about a new approach, we are talking about the respect for others that already has been claimed. What we are talking is not being progressive but being consequent with values we already are meant to defend.
The issue is the question “are these values not being respected?”. There’s division on the answer to that, and if the division is not solved and it keeps scalating then ultimatelly it could mean the FSF itself could divide, with a new organization appearing or maybe the OSI taking over the banner.
Absolutely agree. For what it's worth, I think the only new "progressive" voice here is the EFF, while strictly having a different focus, it is very much in the spirit of many things copy-left: User autonomy and rights. And since it also advocates for things that aren't as... dare I say 'esoteric... as software licenses but also privacy etc., it's much more approachable to those who don't have the software developer outlook on things.
But it could also happen that they don’t manage to address the right problems (I’m still skeptical on whether it’s true that the FSF & RMS know / understand what the problem is) or that even if they did, they are already dehumanized and the ideological war against them will never stop no matter what RMS & the FSF board do (other than removing themselves not only from the FSF but from all interaction).
I'm with you on being skeptical of RMS & FSF understanding the issue in the first place. It's something that's not even unique to RMS. My mom is definitely quite left and progressive but she has a hard time understanding most of the issues the left is fighting for, other than all the 'old wars' (tbf, she's 63), if it wasn't for me explaining to her. And it must be me, since I'm her child and have a connection I can actually use to bridge this gap---with the end result being that she understands the issues well enough to see.
But this bridge is very difficult to build if you're online, have no family or friendship bonds, and the issue is smouldering for decades. It's doubly difficult since the primary issues the FSF fights for aren't related at all to the problems discussed, thus discussing them inside the FSF or with RMS will always be seen as a distraction or annoyance, taking precious time away from their actual fight.
I guess we'll see how this plays out. While I do hope that there will be change in the existing organizations, I'm afraid that the FSF and the core of the free software movement will die sooner or later, either with a bang or silently. I do have hopes in the EFF though, as stated, in taking over many issues that should be addressed in some way.
Hm, is Matrix the "right" platform for an IM though? Due to it being a cloud messenger it's inherently not really private (although it can be anonymous). I use Matrix for those things that IRC or Jabber/XMPP would have solved back then, and also for Mailinglist lime things.
Sure, we have E2E but the messages are stored on all servers taking part in the conversation...