So what we're really talking about here is not sleep debt, but rather, sleep loss.
I wanna hear more
If they have to resort to those 10-second auto-delete snaps to get public health messages out, so be it, I suppose. Better than nothing.
Some people awaken as legendary heroes reincarnated. I awakened as monke
this photo always makes me so sad... make sure to show it to all your white friends.
I was gonna go with "most people give a damn", but I think you phrased it a bit more positively.
I cum a five-gallon bucket of cum for r34 reddit posts every night before I sleep.
Damn. I swear, there are so many trial balloons in the headlines these days that they could collectively lift a house and fly it through a Pixar movie.
they were banned? for what? defying the "sex assigned at conception" thing?
And what, pray tell, is the use case for this information
Do you suppose someone may one day generate a copypasta list to disseminate everywhere? Much like how the internet still retains memory of convicted rapist Brock Turner?
Ah that's clever... Dismaying, but clever