
joined 4 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 years ago

Seeing your up alias reminded me of a bash function I setup a while ago also called up. I use it to simulate doing cd .. n number of times. e.g. up 5 would go up 5 directory levels.

up ()
    local levels;
    local i;
    [[ -z "$1" ]] && levels=1 || levels="$1";
    for ((i=0; i<levels; i++))
        cd ../;

It's probably the smallest, yet most convenient thing I've setup on my machines. Especially so if you work in languages with lots of nested subdirectories (like Java).

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 years ago

Not sure if I'm just too used to the classic design, but the new one looks pretty cramped to me. Also, while I can't read French, it seemed like I got an ad at the top of the page, which hopefully isn't the direction Wikipedia is going.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago)

Looks like the f-droid version hasn't been updated yet. I'm on 1.2.0, whereas the fix is 1.2.2. I'm hoping they'll push a release soon.

EDIT: they've pushed an update

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