
joined 2 years ago
[–] m0darn 13 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Anchoring is legitimately a negotiation technique where you start with an absurd demand to set the framing of the haggling.

Ie now the idea of expanded sea port security integration doesn't seem like a crazy thing to exchange for elimination of tariffs.

But guess what, expanded sea port security integration would drastically reduce our ability to economically pivot in the face of future tariff threats. Ie if expanded sea port security integration means the USA can prevent us from using our sea ports.

[–] m0darn 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I think you still haven't provided enough context:

They played each other earlier in the tournament in Canada and the Canadian fans booed the US national anthem

...due to America's leader denying Canada's sovereignty, and launching a tariff regime intended to cripple Canada's economy.

In this game the Americans booed Canada's national anthem, while in a sense retaliatory is also a doubling down and refusal to acknowledge the legitimacy of Canada's grievance.

[–] m0darn 1 points 1 week ago

Okay I did the same calculation but with Martian orbit as dyson sphere size, and 50% efficiency I got a wavelength of 3.4um so nicely in the infrared range of JWST.

I think the sphere would need to be like 99.95% efficient to be undetectable by JWST at Martian orbit radius.

[–] m0darn 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Edit to add disclaimer: this is shitpost level math here guys, I'm just spitballing.

It would definitely emit thermal radiation. if it was 99% efficient and the size of pluto's orbit, around a star like the sun, and the energy was used to create matter, I think it would radiate the remaining energy as 0.009 W/m2 with a peak emission wavelength of 150micrometers. The James Webb telescope has infrared capabilities that max out at 28.5 micrometers so def not detectable.

But probably a dyson sphere would be smaller than pluto's orbit, which would greatly increase the apparent power, and shorten the wavelength. idk it's all imaginary.

I won't subject you to my hand writing but I did (power of sun × 0.01)/(surface area of sphere with Pluto's orbital radius) to get radiation intensity (0.009 W/m2). Then rearranged Stefan-Boltzmann law to solve for temperature (19.8K). Then used Wien's Displacement Law to calculate the peak wavelength (1.5×10^-4^ m).

Maybe I'll run the numbers again with a martian orbit radius, and 50% efficiency.

[–] m0darn 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Like I'm sure it's not but I don't know if it's a worse explanation than any of the other ideas being considered. But I don't know enough to even know how wrong I am.

[–] m0darn 6 points 1 week ago

Which part of the image advances genocide? What is it in the post that you think suits the purpose of far left wackos?

[–] m0darn 4 points 1 week ago (6 children)

Is dark matter just Dyson sphered stars?

[–] m0darn 7 points 1 week ago

I agree vertical speed looks high, wake turbulence seems like a good hypothesis given that they were trying to make up ground on the backlog.

[–] m0darn 41 points 1 week ago (3 children)

I successfully submitted for a short term disability claim for an anxiety condition that arose from my ADHD. A few weeks later I was told that there wouldn't be a role for me to return to once I was recovered. IE in an attempt to avoid a nasty law suit they aren't firing me until I'm off short term disability.

Talk about setting up adverse conditions for recovery!

[–] m0darn 8 points 2 weeks ago

I was pretty skeptical of them when I clicked "Technology Connections" video on them. It's the same thing as a convection oven, what's the big deal?

Well it's the same just like how a quadcopter drone is the same thing as a RC dual rotor helicopter

It's like yeah they're the same thing, but they have some important differences too.

[–] m0darn 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

My 6 y.o. son has been interested in learning to play hockey but I think lacrosse is a much better choice for Vancouverites like us. I didn't play much hockey growing up, and even less lacrosse, any other perspectives I should consider?


I glove you.


My neighbour (40/m) ("N") confided that his recently retired father (70/m) ("G") has started going to the casino twice a day (all day but he comes home for dinner).

G's losses affect the food they eat (multi generational household).

N doesn't really know what to do. I'm not so concerned for N, moreso his mother/G's wife.

It's not my business but, when I was a kid my boyscout leader committed suicide after gambling away his house so I'm pretty sensitive to this sort of thing. I'd like to help if I can.

Any advice?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by m0darn to c/homestead

This goose has adopted my parents, and is attempting to establish residency in their cabin. We suspect it is domestic and escaped from its coop. It's a seasonal cabin and they're planning to close up soon. What should they do? Central Ontario. Near Bracebridge.

UPDATE: A neighbor of theirs is set up for chickens, so could accommodate a goose. And shortly after making that arrangement an ad appeared in the community message board. So the goose is going home.


I'm having trouble wrapping my head around the scale of the problem of nuclear waste. If we took all the nuclear waste produced in a year and evenly blended it into all gasoline burned in a year would the radiation be deadly? Dangerous? Detectable?

It's easiest to get numbers for the US.

2 000 000 kg of waste per year

510 000 000 000 Liters of gasoline

Obviously this isn't a real proposal, although I think it would reduce carbon emissions...


Wikipedia says

A superhero or superheroine is a stock character that typically possesses superpowers, abilities beyond those of ordinary people, and fits the role of the hero, typically using their powers to help the world become a better place, or dedicating themselves to protecting the public and fighting crime.

So yes, he is definitely dedicated to protecting the public, but it feels wrong to call him a super hero. What do you think?

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