Old people who still believe that if you're paying for a product it must be better, right?
Hopefully his flight gets delayed.
We liked the first season and are looking forward to the next one.
What did he do?
Oh ok. One of those crypto bro things?
Literally never heard of them. What do they do?
The Thanos Snap has sooo many problems associated with it. It's developed by an evil multinational that doesn't listen to its users and keeps trying to force itself on the universe.
People should use the Thanos Flatpak instead...
Lowering the voting age to 16.
I think this is the only one likely to change / come into effect.
Implementing automatic voter registration.
Honestly, why this hasn't happened yet is beyond me.
Introducing a £100,000 annual cap on donations to political parties.
laughs in Tory and Labour special interests
The IPPR also said the government should consider enfranchising the 5 million long-term tax-paying residents who are not citizens "
Hmm... Call me old fashioned but I think voting should be reserved for citizens not simply if you pay taxes. If you want to vote then show that you want to be associated with the country you're voting in and become a citizen. Living in a country and using it's services is one thing but deciding where the country goes (however naively) is another.
Yeah quite possibly, it isn't standard markdown syntax so I can understand why it might not work everywhere.
I use Jerboa (also Android) it's a bit shit and bare bones but fast and easy to use.
Those don't sound like homophones unless you're from Bwoooaastaaan. 🤣🤣
A hod is a builder's V-shaped open trough on a pole, used for carrying bricks and other building materials.
How do you do spoiler tags by the way?
Like this:
My brother you need to look at a map once in a while or resit your geography exams 🤣😂.