Wasn't this just to make grafittis on the seats invisible enough to deter~~mine~~ potential teenage artists?
Googled him and found this picture of him and his big brother. I have the feeling he might not have been his parents favourite? https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Camus#/media/Datei:Albert_Camus_et_son_fr%C3%A8re_ain%C3%A9_Lucien_vers_1920.jpg
Neocaridina are awesome creatures. Also pretty hardy, good for aquaristic newbies.
Just supported the project with a few €. He apparently collected 133.019 CA$. So the immediate future is looking good for that project (he aimed for 50.000).
Participations are still open for everyone who wants to support it: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/pixelfed/pixelfed-foundation-2024-real-ethical-social-networks?ref=ksr_email_backer_pledge_collection_successful
Also don't forget to support the lemmy project!
Cyber eyes. I have thick glasses and a lot of floaters, so many that I cannot even tell if my glasses are clean or not most of the time.
But naturally they'd need to look natural and be with zoom, infrared, night vision, a camera function and a video playing function (no wireless functions though).
I work in public infrastructure, so at least I can comfort myself that I am trying to improve the lifes of everyone in my area. Still exhausting.
Lol to thinking that it was better. Capitalism was always terrible for normal people.
But many people just don't have a lot of hobbies. Change is also scary for many people.
Yeah, I also have 5 hobbies and many more interests. I am only scared that I don't have enough energy left in me once I retire.
In Germany real estate became significantly cheaper in many parts (not all, not e.g. Berlin or Hamburg). In my north German mid size city we had ~15 percent price reduction in the last 2 years. In our neighbour city they even had 25%.
On the other hand, I know people who sold their houses when prices where high, invested their money and are happy renters now. It apparently can be a lot better financially according to many experts (here in Germany, no idea about the US).
Many things are possible with both products. But Kritas focus is on drawing/paiting and animation, meanwhile GIMPs focus is photo edititing.
Just try them out. I really love both.
The UAE defintly showed that other countries can do this.
I use posteo.de/en for email and we use the calender as a shared family calender with my wife.
Works fine for me, but we don't really use the calender to share events with others, so I am not sure how well that works.