Oh gawd, is America's future gonna look like Romania's past when Ceausescu banned all family planning options and penalized childless couples? Orphanages overflowed with children who were unwanted due to poverty, children who were mistreated by the limited staff working within those institutions. They were called "Ceausescu's Children."
It's dumb that they're not pushing to get rid of those empty desks and save that money. But I guess the market demands miserable workers or something.
Jesus Christ, so many people don't know the real history of what happened while this is the real answer.
To add on to Ronald "Fucking" Reagan defunding universities, he did it because as governor of California he absolutely hated the anti-Vietnam War protests happening on University of California campuses and thought a good way to limit attendance of 'rabble rousing' (re: poor) students was to take away their funding. Conservatives nationwide saw this and thought 'that's great, we should do that, too.' and they did.
Thanks Ronnie. You're the unwanted microwaved dog shit that ruined America 40 years and your stink is still smelled in full force to this day. I didn't believe in hell, but I hope they made a special one just for you.
Well, that put a damper on my day. Holy shit...
Here's hoping they can recover without having to continue to have this as an asterisk-
But these measures have also pushed up unemployment and the poverty rate.
“She is ending this race in a very different place than other nominees that have lost,” one Harris adviser told the outlet. “Her approval is higher. People were very happy with the race that she ran.”
Jesus fucking Christ. They've huffed their own farts too hard and gave themselves some kind of brain damage. Or they're just greedy fucks that want to raise a billion dollars for exorbitant campaign expenses paid to their friends and acquaintances.
Huh, well that's new. I don't think I've ever heard of a girl or woman go on a school or mass shooting.
“Kerwin H. continued his strenuous resistance and appeared to gain strength with each successive cycle of strikes and commands,” Pinkerton [the officer] wrote.
However, several witnesses who lived at a nearby apartment building told detectives they didn’t see Harris resisting. One witness told a detective she heard Pinkerton cursing at Harris and calling him the N-word.
I wonder which account of events is more accurate? Hmmmmm...
And he's a defender of Derek Chauvin and feels like an entitled victim? Yup, all that tracks.
“For all you mother f—— at the St. Louis Police Department,” one post began last November, “especially the Internal Affairs Division, you can all kiss my a— for condemning me and pushing me out of my decorated career and losing my ability to retire with the benefits I wanted, all because I exposed the corruption behind the prosecution of Derek Chauvin.”
How the hell is it not a huge red flag that he paid a settlement and made her sign an NDA. This is typical rich/powerful abuser behavior to dodge accountability and we've seen it time after time after time.
Having not played any in the series but having them on my to-play list, this was my first thought. No matter how great it is, there will always be people who see a protagonist who doesn't look like them and call it woke.
It does? Hahahaha, that's great, I'm trying to swear less in general, but good to know I didn't have to redact myself on here. I'm curious to see what happens.
Shit fuck.
Edit: did the instance filter it? It's still showing up for me.