The only source is Graphika, a US based research group that I haven’t heard of before, which according to Wikipedia is known for investigating China only and that has started in 2021. US media is currently blasting China on every front for damaging fragile ego of Sam Altman, hence I’m looking for any different perspective.
Any reporting from a country that’s not in a hot phase of a trade war with the country being reported on? I feel like someone wants to manufacture consent as well.
Which Chinese tech company was forced to sell majority stock to a US domestic business before? I’ve only heard of TikTok which was also deemed national security issue recently.
It’s more to do with chemistry and that voltage drops off sharply below 20% of charge. Once it’s there it’s also more prone to be affected by environmental factors like temperature making it even harder to measure.
A company that’s going to cut 20% battery capacity in a consumer electronics is going to lose money on sales. There are industrial solutions that do this but Nintendo makes toys that play games.
This thing has bipartisan support, local business support and seems to be supported by wider general public thanks to scare tactics and lobbying from Meta. I understand that Democrats conditioned their voters to ignore things they agree on with Republicans but they’re not in charge anymore. It’s like the whole country went on a carnival ride, got stuck and are now trapped in this weird loop.
I do wonder why do they bother with pretences like this. Would Americans not buy „hey, we’re going to do to Chinese companies what they have been doing to ours for years now”?
Ideally, yes but I don’t think people want that. It’s really hard to deplete your battery as much as OP did. The issue here is that at low charge you get inaccurate measurements so you’d have to provision a lot of battery capacity and people wouldn’t buy such devices when the issue being fixed is so minor.
Why would Google make an exception to their global policy? Is it because America is special?
It’s the same for every Li-Ion battery powered device and I don’t think Nintendo is going to R&D new battery tech anytime soon. You’d have to sacrifice too much of a capacity to prevent it so it’s easier to just try no to go below 20% of charge. Then, if you really need to go below you can limit it to cases where you can’t just pause and resume later.
Probably same reason Sony keeps releasing their games on PC before they release their sequels on PS5. They’re no longer getting sales on original platform so they’re not losing much and they build up the taste of the franchise because someone might like it enough to buy their hardware. It feels very weird to do in this case though.