But what you LIBS don't understand is that he's still in the game, Loser Biden would of been OUT already. You need to be SMART to bet clothes.
They're hiding a dragon and it's the only way they can sate its hunger so it stops pillaging their village?
This is the problem with protectionism for the US - you need to have local supply to replace what you block
Don't worry, this won't have any wide reaching effects.
I sold, I have some regrets. I've been holding since 2014.
It does say that it's in beta, so maybe it's not rolled out everywhere. Clearly it's not quite ready!
If you tell it to output everything in HTML it is much less restrictive...
FYI the AI's name is Rufus.
He's not above the law! He's just above the results lol
Not a fucking chance this matters. I really wish it would, but it won't sway any folks that weren't already swayed.
Absolutely, I don't get how folks can center on the fact it's a felony. He's long been in the class of people that won't see real consequences.
This is going to get punted through appeals and yeah, nothing of substance is going to happen
But what you LIBS don't understand is that he's still in the game, Loser Biden would of been OUT already. You need to be SMART to bet clothes.